The new band is essentially ready for a saloon gig. That is excellent progress for the time put in and amazing speed for Florida. The guys are still hesitant about my faster numbers but I’m attributing that to them not listening to the music. When the band hasn’t heard the originals, everything above a certain speed comes off with a polka beat. Trisha Yearwood and Johnny Cash don’t play polkas. So, we mention it and wait and see.
The scooter passed the 8,000 mile mark on the return leg and it is beginning to show wear and tear. There’s a rattle on the left side I can’t find, the replacement $35 battery is dead in one year, and the rear brake is starting to pull to the left. It’s nothing major but I won’t take it on a road trip unless everything is skookum. And the ebike has a bent front wheel. I hit a Florida pothole at 7 mph and it is bent. I guess I’ll find out if this is repairable because I don’t know.
At Barnes & Noble y’day, I balked at the prices of both the books and the coffee. For the first time, I read without buying something. They have really trimmed the selection and moved in non-book merchandise near the doorways. Jigsaw puzzles, cell phone templates, picture frames. I sense the clientele has changed as well, as if the place now caters to those who read for fun rather than for knowledge or relaxation.
When you walk in the door, salespeople jump on you, creating the wrong atmosphere since they are not selling books, but some type of monthly plans. I’d say America is fed up with monthly plans. All the good ones are long gone so the new ones must be designed to shaft you in some roundabout way. The sum total of these changes has eroded my incentive to just pop in for a look. I’ve got enough cookbooks already.
For the first time in recorded history, Donald Trump and I are in agreement over something. He says “massive inflation” in 2012. Aftershock predicts 50% unemployment, 90% stock drop, and 100% inflation. I predict 40% unemployment (because it is already 30% if the truth were known), a stock market collapse rather than a mere drop (millions of people will just walk away from it), and 50% inflation (because the government will step in before the election). Nobody trusts government reports anymore.
Am I worried? Yes, because these people talk as if prices haven’t already exploded. Like the 20% climb in food prices since last year was nothing. Like I didn’t notice there are now only six fish sticks in the same box. Like I don’t know that gallon of gas is only 9/10ths of a gallon (the rest is grain alcohol). Music prices are up as well, I now own more in recording gear than in musical instruments.
Music always dominates my weekends. And I hope it gets a lot worse. Taking stock, I’ve missed every New Year’s since I got to this crazy town and have not played an upscale joint in six years. Instead of going out last night, I programmed the drum beats to most of the new bands material. Let me detail how that is significant and also risky.
If most musicians worked a drum box right, they’d grouse about how difficult it is. I agree, so I don’t put out the effort unless there is a likely return on investment. That signifies I’ve developed some faith that this band will fly. I am creating drum beats for guitar instrumental music that I could never use in my solo act. The opposite point of view is the risk which says each further role I take on obligates the band to my presence. That nobody has objected is a good sign there is progress.
That brings up an amusing side story. The most common reason guitarists and I don’t much get along is their attitude that bassists should be subservient. I am a pro at infuriating guitarists who think they can bring the whole stage to a standstill by quitting playing. I do know I am often the first bassist they have ever seen who can and will carry the ball himself when they pull that stunt. And you wouldn’t have to go far to meet one of them. Besides, it is high time that lot found out what it is like on the receiving end.
What’s this? The Code Enforcement Department of Hollywood is ducking the searchlight. They won’t answer the direct question of where any law exists prohibiting live music on the beach. It is completely foolish if they don’t respond. Even Alman reports he was kicked of the beach for writing music. It is becoming clear the authorities are chickenshits. Instead of sticking their necks out and targeting the beach bums who bother the tourists, they grouping all musicians as bad. See, then they don’t have to think or make real decisions.
Here's a follow up from last day, concerning women. I'm actually not that fussy, it's that there are certain simple things I won't put up with. And I've had too many women in my life that were not like the following to put up with even one who is. I've dated bitchy women, untalented women, careless women, uneducated women, boring women, moody women, shiftless women, and clueless women without a problem. You will notice in this worst case scenario, there is only one that has anything to do with appearances. But here this where I draw the line.
Hidden agendas
Over-attachment to mother
Fat (it’s the true ugly)
No career (or job skills)
Nagging and gossiping