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Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012

           It was so quiet today, here is a picture of a big pile of money. Quiet, for there were no plans for this month. It is also the “wasted month” caused by the delays in Nashville and the law office. I’m not broke but nor can I progress. I’m not used to such a long stretch of doing so little, so no, I do not find this relaxing. Not at all. Living day to day was never my thing.
           It’s during these rare unplanned months, I watch the economy. A nothing month is the only time I don’t outperform DC. Which country will follow Greece? People who invested in that country lost 75% of their money in a week, known in economics as a “haircut”. The US is not that far from default nor can it possibly pay back the $14.6 trillion debt that already exists. Unless “legal tender” falls in value to about 10% of its current buying power. Then all debts will be paid.
           Pooh-pooh to those who say milk can’t possibly rise to $20 per quart. In 2002, the same people thought gold was expensive at $250/oz. I watch the workings, but it seems everything that should go bankrupt always seems to have enough credit to stave it off. I hope I live long enough to see the day of reckoning. To watch those who bragged lose their shirts without hope of recovery. I didn’t say I’d gloat, only that I hope I live to see it.
           Statistics; it’s no wonder most people hate them. But I do agree with the measurement that the net worth of the average American fell 40% after the housing bubble (2007 – 2010). But what ratio of that net is liquid? How much cash could the average person come up with right now? Are you kidding me? Even I can do better than that. And besides, he’s lying. Anyway, the average household net worth is now $77,000. That’s per household, not per individual. Few people realize how little money that is. I know. It is exactly one stent.
           Or that study that shows smart people make more bad decisions than dumb people. What are they getting at? That being dumb is good? However, that is a statistic I can agree with. It is true I make more bad decisions than a condemned ballpark full of dumb people. In fact, if you ignore repetition and count only unique instances, I, myself alone, will make more bad decisions by early this afternoon than my family in their lifetimes.
           Pink slime made news recently but few people know what it really is. That’s why the plain talk in this blog is popular. Here’s the recipe for pink slime. You need the leftover beef from a slaughterhouse. Mechanically de-bone it, and place the slurry into a centrifuge. This separates the fat from the meat, but the meat is unfit for human consumption. Until you add ammonia. It kills most of the nasty things and what’s left over after the ammonia evaporates is a pastel pink color. Now use it as filler. What? Hey, I don’t eat beef, so I don’t care. If that makes you queasy, ask what happens to the fat part.
           I may have a potential answer. MSN did an article this morning on women who got into show biz because of wealthy fathers. I never heard of any of them and the only one I’d tap would be that Megan somebody with the dark roots. Well, maybe that Bryce because she has red hair. But the rest, what can I say, they should be glad they have money? See how nice I managed to put it? As for the missing fat, have you seen Peaches Gedolf?
           A morning callout made my weekend before it even started. I helped a client list a bunch of vehicles for sale, including driving around taking the pictures. My oath, it was hot and humid out there. I’m going to have to raise my rates. Inflation is getting serious and hey, I’m the guy that was prepared for it. A bottle of bath soap cost me $8, but nobody cares if I complain when they learn tomorrow I’m buying the mother of all soldering irons. I was at the bakery for coffee this morning, and I believe I’ll be at the Upper Deck for a drink by late tonight.
Five Physical Traits I Like Most In Women
Wholesome good looks (no makeup)
Height-weight proportionate
Blue or green eyes
Natural pouting facial expression

           Would my scooter make it to Colorado? It may be worth the price of replacement to find out. The one way Amtrak fare is more than half the vehicle replacement costs. Also, consider the price fluctuations. For each day of the week beginning July 15, 2012, the one way fare is: Sunday: $425, Monday: $425, Tuesday: $366, Wednesday: $409, Thursday $498, Friday: $468, Saturday $543. Talk about somebody doing a little fine tuning over there.
           First of all, ignore the meals since the train and driving involve the same number of travel days. The differences are one can sleep on the train, although few people like that. By scooter, I’d need four motels. But I’d have local transportation once I arrived, which is invaluable. But travel costs are roughly the same. There’s the option of shipping the scooter by rail, but I can’t get a straight price out of Amtrak.
           As thanks to those who read this far, here’s the latest. After a lengthy conference call this afternoon, it is decided that not only will Colorado and I wait out the real estate market, but that we can afford much, much more house than we’ve been looking at. We’re okay with five miles out of town, no neighbors, and we are now looking for at least a four bedroom. Planning is to enter the final phase next month. This is above and beyond my pending move to West Palm so essentially we are now looking for two houses. Insert ensuite jokes here.