Who remembers that sect garden, the one Alaine and I toured a while back? This is the fountain in the park they built in that garden. It must be swank to have cash for Gables property and demolish the mansion so as to irrigate spuds in the center of town. Yet I would join such a co-op if I could find people who just want to grow the vegetables and leave philosophy out of it. No such luck in Florida.

And yes, it contains an accelerometer, GPS, sonar, and basically all the sensors and features I’ve specifically mentioned here, along with a video camera. The retail price, a closely guarded secret on the Parrot website, is $259.99. The maximum range/radius is 165 feet. It is advertised as a toy, but I regard it as an unbelievable giant step.
I’m half-done with Les Miserables. I’ve read the passage that explains the title, where Hugo points out the lot of the poor, and that’s what he calls them. Don’t miscalculate the impact of this book, it sold out to the bare shelves within 24 hours of first printing. I smile, for no matter how well Hugo describes the downtrodden, he has the viewpoint of the rich, a form of blindness in itself.
For instance, he harps on that by hard work and honesty, the poor can become rich. Nonsense. I can instruct you how to tell if you are poor. The worst part is how you are forced to live among peasants. If everything, even the tiniest thing you to improve always gets in their way, you are poor. Nor can you hide your attempts deep enough, if the sound of your quietest effort bothers those around you, then you are poor. Peasants loathe the very sound of someone studying a book, and peasants, even when sleeping, can instantly detect whether you are reading or studying. I know these things first hand.
That reminds me of my first attempt to learn electronics. I bought, with my own earned money, a battery. It was then $1.50, or around $12 today. The instant my mother saw it, she made me take it back and exchange it for a game “to share with my brothers”, as if it were possible to share anything that would not get stolen or broken, either way you are going to get your head slapped. Hugo misses all the fun parts of being poor by dwelling on the imaginary nobility of such classes.
By now, I know to avoid roughly half the lo-carb foods on my already-meager diet because of fat content over 12%. After a week, no weight change but in a statistic I’m timid to quote, I’ve lost two inches off my waist. It’s one of those measurements that can be taken for too many things but it’s the only improvement I can report. As I become educated about fat in one’s diet, nobody who understands fat has anything good to say for it.
One noticeable difference is the low fat diet changes from an annoying distant craving to an active constant hunger, almost like your system is fighting back. You wake up hungry. But on a scale of ten, the actual pain is less than one, more like a nagging discomfort. Those who say they can’t diet are saying they lack self-discipline. Which is why they can’t have nice things.
My Hungarian princess has disappeared without us ever dating. That was expected, but I would like to point out that I intentionally never exhibited any money or earning power around her. Women publicly say they want nice men, but that is bogus. You don’t have to be jaded to say so, rather half-retarded not to. I like the other 5% of women. Thus I purposely don’t wear or do anything that spells money.
Wear? Yes, numerous studies show women’s choice of men is more swayed by clothing and behavior than looks. AskMen, for example, conducts surveys on-line to attract readership. Women will engage in relationships with ugly men wearing “doctor clothes” over handsome men wearing t-shirts (Burger King uniforms).
Trust me after 15 years working the office, I know exactly the volume of women I get by changing to wearing a designer shirt and a Rolex—but I strongly dislike that type. Wallace loves them. So does JZ. The average man spends sixteen times as much as I do on cars and cologne and they still fetch women I wouldn’t touch.
It’s known my preferred way to attract women is behavior, not looks, although I’m pretty enough for the best. Besides, I’m satisfied a ready smile and a winning attitude fixes all physical defects, but that’s not quite what I mean. When I say behavior, I mean more of a refined flair. By refined, um, more women approach me on my scooter than any man in a car. By flair, I mean a stronger word than “style” because I often get pegged wrong until people see my show.
No, I’m not Mr. Nice Guy on stage. That doesn’t mean I pick on anyone, it means you screw up, I take over. You don’t know your stuff, I’ll have the crowd laughing with me. Try to on-up me and you’ll find I can mortify you at your own expense. This is nothing personal, it is show-biz. The way to survive against me on stage is to play your part, then melt into the sidelines. And don’t accuse me of dominating, for I’m not that clumsy. I need less than five seconds to steal a show. Relax, though, when it happens, I’m after a woman, not your audience. The crowd, you can have.
What’s a Snorkinism? Other than some guy with too much time and money, it is sadly funny.