This is a photo from y’day, after the computer was fixed. We went to the house, shown here you can see the pool and lawn are still being maintained. JZ was absent, out working a second job, over which I’ll speak to him soon. He probably wants to replace the truck, but

Speaking of old times, here is me working on that same computer on November 23, 2003. Nine years ago. You can see the extra weight several doctors told me was natural and nothing to be concerned about. Thirty-one and a half days later I was in Mt. Sinai. Say, I have a photo of me wearing that same shirt in 1989. At least my old clothes still fit me. Type of thing.
Our West Palm club member, E24, has bought a motorcycle. Once again, we are planning to learn the art of etching PCBs. It would be handy to have a 555 timer board instead of custom building one each time, or seeing them on the Internet for $24 a copy. I’m learning the simulator software called Multimedia Logic, and finding out these simulators have severe limitations. But the worst feature is when it puts the nodes where it wants instead of where you draw them. The position of wires, at least initially, is crucial to my understanding of many circuits.

The same edition also carried an article about retiring early, stating that disability can be a “devastating financial hit”. Gee, did they figure that out on their own? They list the ten best “states” to retire in, and except for Puerto Rico, I know or lived in all the rest: Washington, Texas, S. Carolina, N. Carolina, Oregon, Hawaii, Florida, and California. The only two I would recommend are Washington and Oregon. You can’t afford Hawaii or California, and if they’re saying the climate is nice in Florida, they are lying. The Carolinas are nowhere and you’ll have a hard time in Texas or Georgia unless you know people there before you move. Still, I plainly know a good place when I see one.
I’m not saying politicians and those who are simple-minded enough to argue one is better than another should all be lined up and shot. I’m only saying if I saw this was going on, you’d get no complaints from my direction. Now, the president is running a fundraiser in, guess where? China. I understand the Feds interfere with who gets elected in other countries, but that one sticks in the old craw. I mean, do you vote for a candidate who is supported by those bent on your economic destruction?
Now you take China, title-holder to the world’s oldest civilizations that fizzled until they adopted European standards. Now launch big firecracker to moon, good for long life and many grandchildren with hyperthyroidism. We’ve all, by now, seen their military parades but did you notice everything is European? The uniform designs, the weapons, the marching music. There are more women in the Chinese military than the population of the USA. And now we’re inviting them to fund our elections? Um, I should not say “we”. As a true American, I would never do such a thing or allow others to do so without safeguards.

There may be some videos of these trips and places. But I don't remember. But things have gone a long ways from then, when the time to produce a video was measured in days instead of minutes. I'll bet we're all glad we kept up with the technology. And I still don't have a decent camera for either video or closeups. I did keep all the pictures on disk, however. You have not begun to see all the places and events. You see only those few that Alaine describes as "blog-worthy". There you go.