The worst case scenario for global warming says 78 feet of sea rise, putting my place 70 feet underwater by 2060. That’s still better than being $200,000 under water today. A spate of rainstorms this week once more finds me reading and pondering. Last day I said we need a new Internet. And it should probably be radio but not the chintzy short-range wireless of today. Wired Internet is about as sensible as wired telephone once was.
Security on radio Internet, some say, would be a problem. But it already is. And packet radio would be encrypted from the start. Mind you, I conjecture that some future forms of space communication would be by wire. Very thin wire at very low temperature played out by massive bobbins on the mothership. One nanometer diameter, either wire or optic.
Dan Lewis, the “Now I Know” guy, is clever, but not enough that I didn’t discover where he’s getting a lot of his material. Dan is watching James Burke reruns. But enough is reworded and added to mutate it into research. That is basically the description of a Canadian university education, so don’t scoff it completely. But there I am watching Burke thinking what seemed so familiar.
Then, I found a murder mystery by Tony Hillerman. “People of Darkness” is set in New Mexico and heavy on the Navajo side. You get used to it. Did you know I originally began this blog by keeping track of my reading? I won’t elaborate, but I have a syndrome whereby I cannot remember names and faces. How many times I begin reading a book to realize I’ve read it before. Those lists have long been lost before this blog or certainly, I’d post them. I’m quite proud of the fact I’ve read thousands of books, more than half of them texts or encyclopedias.
Estelle hasn’t dated for thirty years. It’s like being in the 70s. She thinks going to the beach is free. What about the time packing a lunch and the parking? I don’t care for baking in the hot midday sun, I’m more the late afternoon crowd. And except for playing music, I’ve only been to the beach maybe 15 times. Next week we may go to Ft. Lauderdale.
The ebook meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and I’m rarin’ to go. The reviews are complete and I’m waiting for some volunteer proofreaders, but I honestly believe my booklet represents a radical new way of teaching electronics. It breaks the nerd mold by sticking on one topic until the topic is exhausted. I’m rejecting the asinine point of view that you keep learning new things because electronics is so great. Hell no. The real reason is because the rotten teachers keep leaving things out. Electronics must be full of geeks who have been doing things wrong for fifty years. My prime example is transistors. I can find endless geeks who will tell you it is an amplifier and countless more who say it is a switch. I will tell you it is both, depending on the base current.

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