This was supposed to be one of those close-ups with the inset showing the plaque I’m reading. I could fake it but I thought with all the software I’ve got here, I must have something to do a pro job. Nope. The sign says, “On this site in 1897 nothing happened”.

Estelle came over so we stayed here drinking tea and eating Spanish cookies. How could she not know the best cookies are the real Spanish ones with jam? At least this has been so since Peek Freans quit baking in England back around 1990. Remember those? Pricey, but the best. The brand name is now owned by Kraft’s Canadian branch, but the product is a shadow of what it was. They even did away with the metal tin and the cookies are in a paper sack. Pity.
What’s this ferry boat crash in New York? A reminder to all to update and run your anti-virus software. This caution is from way back. We never knew the correlation back at the computer shop, but whenever something happens in bizarro-land (New York or any eastern state that starts with an M) run your protection. It is known to be a good habit.
I’m not containing the link because it is morbid , but have you seen that idiot jock try to roll down a mountain in a plastic bubble? It bounced off the track and went over the side. You can find it by searching on “zorbing”. I mean, roll down your hill, but not from the top of a mountain, tough guy. Sorry, no mercy. It’s that Darwin Award thing.
I awoke with a shoulder pain that would not ebb. By nightfall I know it’s hospital time so I drove over. How serious can it be if I can drive? Enough to get every test to ensure it isn’t a heart problem. It isn’t [heart] but [they are] taking no chances, they want me back next week. Remember that crazy lady who left her chain link fence open a few years back and I hit it in the dark? That exact pain again.
Cancel my itinerary. They prescribed a painkiller but it is slow-acting. I got to visit Memorial again, still the best in town. I met several interesting people because that is the only kind Memorial hires. I even had a social worker who commutes from Lighthouse and got me the bus schedule home. If there was anything I’d change about Memorial is I’d keep a closet full of books and magazines for when somebody like me checks in. I’ll never be a Matlock fan.
Question, does someone in a hospital room with a free TV where the most interesting show is Matlock re-runs, does such a person ever, in the larger sense of the word, fully "recover"?
[Author's note 2015-01-09: it turns out the flower bed belongs to the trailer court. And here, I've been maintaining it for years. Screw that. If I can't widen my driveway, I'm not being the gardener for the entity that prevents it. Plus, that was sneaky, getting me to do their work while they have a grounds crew. It has come to my attention that the Matlock re-runs could possibly be the hospital's incentive for you to get well quickly.]
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