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Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

           These are used microscopes, but this not the shopping bonanza I’m seeking. While there is some fine equipment out there, there is a wave of upgrading going on and these are the outdated designs of a previous generation. No, they don’t work better because they are older. I’m pointing to the one I considered before I found out why it had been traded in. The eyepiece is the wrong size to fit to a digital camera.
           The other don’t buy signal is a lamp light source. The standard these days is the LED source, but that is also a problem. The LED should cost about a third as much but instead they are still priced higher as “leading edge” technology. Other than that, all I can tell you is make sure whatever you buy has no plastic parts. Whatsoever.
           I was in Memorial all day and all night, mostly for observation. Everything has to be cleared by my cardiologist, but it is encouraging that such permission is these days nearly automatic. There seems to be some complication in my shoulder. I knew they’d likely keep me for observation so it was odd I didn’t bring along any reading material. The only thing on TV was that movie “King Arthur” which seems almost filmed in black and white.
           You can imagine how anxious I was to get out of there and back home here. Nothing against Memorial, they are kind, the food is great, everybody is a professional. But hospitals are full of sick people and routine. I’ll let you know what they decide, but I’m trussed up like a turkey in an arm sling. I took it off the get into the tub and now can’t get it to fit right. Sigh.
           No trivia or controversy. Please return on a more exciting day.