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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31, 2013

           Can you spot the event in this photo? There is a fire on the freeway just behind that black car. I had a shot, but that black car zoomed in front and slammed on his brakes to get in the way. I’ve often asked myself, “Lord, how do they know?” Very typical of the way things go in the third world. It looks like a tire that got shed by some semi and friction set it ablaze. I almost cropped the image in the mirror of me snapping away, but left it as human interest.
           What’s this insane rumor that Guitar Eddie is moving back to town? And soon, as in by this weekend. Happens a lot, people leave Florida spoiled by the weather. They last the first year and first summer, but then the second winter starts to send chills down their neck. The only way to plan it right is winter in Florida, summers in the north. If you can afford it. Most people can’t.
           I’m compelled to report I found, at the upper extreme of what I’m willing to spend, a six bedroom four bathroom place. They want cash only, but they are more than desperate to sell. It’s not far from the one-bedroom I looked at y’day. Yes, it is a mobile home with the land. But that’s not a home, that’s a motel. I should wave something under their noses. Let’s see, that would be an office, a music room, an electronics room, a library, my bedroom, and a spot for the sexy maid. Or, four ensuites.

           Where’s the controversy lately? Well, I’ve been kind of busy, so I’ll have to make something up. The media are much better than I am at that kind of thing, so let me grab today’s paper and pick the first couple of topics. Let’s see what we’ve got here.
           So, the government does not require a search warrant for cell phone records. The logic is that the location data is a business record, not personal information. That shows you that judges can be as ignorant as the worst. The quip I heard was that the government does not require anyone to carry a cell phone, but that is crock. The economy makes it so difficult to live without one that it is a de facto requirement, so their argument is bull.
           The Ruskies are cracking down on queers. Well, that’s not exactly right. They are after queers who won’t shut up and keep to it themselves, which I believe would be sufficient for most people to tolerate them. I call them queers and not gays because gay is a word to describe happy. Queers are people who think they will gain social acceptance by constantly bothering others with their problems. People who try that never succeed. I’m not against queers, but against bad public behavior. You want to talk sex, religion, or politics? Go home and close the door or rent a hall.
           The problem is how they won’t shut up. Like the majority, I would like to be able to go to a movie, or a beach, or walk down a street without being assaulted by some fringe group’s shameless displays and being labeled closed-minded if I object. And you can’t tell them where to stick it because they probably would. I cold give the world lessons about being open-minded. It is obvious that most displays of open-mindedness are orchestrated.
           Too many people known to be hateful, spiteful persons like to “prove” to the world they are “open-minded” by pretending to tolerate queers, and that includes a goodly number of the queer’s parents. You should here these people tear up a vindictive streak in private about how their own son could embarrass them so cruelly. I have. What I have against them is that their phony public acts of acceptance often pressures others who may not feel the same to go along when they don’t really want to. Refusing to take a stand against anything is the worst brand of closed-minded.
           Another annoyance is people who call me at the end of the month. Folks, I have a limited number of minutes on my plan. I am not a phone person, so I don’t like to pay for what I don’t use. So when things are left to the last minute, if I talk over my limit, I have to pay for that. Please organize things better because it is not my fault you have company on the way or bread in the oven. Call me after the first. And have your checkbook ready.
           Who likes Google Earth? I don’t like it because I don’t use it. Yet, because I get the occasional g-mail, they try up to 75 times per day to position me. My blocker stops them, but you should know Google considers where I am important enough for them to spend immense dollars for that information behind my back. Google. They sound like such a great bunch of people you can trust.

           Truth in advertising. Strange as it may seem, and I may be the first to document this, but operating a battery-driven device requires three sets of rechargeable batteries to keep it working. That normally means three sets of batteries. So do your math before you buy a camera or player that costs less than six batteries or about $18 these days.
           This inconvenience and expense is never mentioned in the ads. You must further allocate time, space, and overhead to keep freshly charged batteries nearby. The operational life of these critters is roughly two and a half hours of steady use. Thus, in a normal workday, you will probably run low anyway. Here are the facts that get in the way.
           One good set of batteries is in your camera. The second set is in your pocket on standby. The third set is sitting at home on the charger. This is a minimal arrangement, as you still have to go home if your second set goes dead. To get around this inconvenience, you will really have to contort your routine, probably by bringing a charger along, finding a crime-free outlet, and going back to get it at day's end. That there is no outcry about this wasteful and inefficient system just tells you how many dummies are out there who will eat whatever brown smelly stuff is placed in their plastic bowl.
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