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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013

           What is this picture? It’s a place I looked at and rejected. Why is it important enough to take top billing? There are a number of answers to that. Travel always makes this blog pick up and this property is 42 miles from here, over Boca Raton way. First, why I have not decided? It is in rough shape inside. It faces south, which I dislike. It was only one bed one bath mis-advertised as two and two. The Florida room is in the front and would be a furnace on a day like today. Now, what I liked.
           The subdivision is a beauty, full of very well-kept doublewides. The population is 100% my kind of people. The building is twice the size of what I have now, and it is well within my price range. Take that to mean I have the down payment they’re asking, and the payments are less than what I’m already shelling out. But let’s get back to the subdivision.
           The price includes the land. The seller is a small office that specializes in rent-to-own, a bit of a find in itself. I told the guy find me something with twice the down payment, twice the bed/baths, and twice the monthly payments and I think we are in business. Also, I went around and introduced myself to the neighbors, who instantly latched on to me as a good ole boy. The area is regulated by an HOA but the word is they only watch the bad apples.
           While this unit is the most run-down in that area, it is as good as I’ve got now and that means fine. I circled all four main roads in the park and counted half the residents as year round, similar to here. The similarity ends at that point. Around here it is working class while up there it is middle class. Stay with me on this next part. In addition to a place to live, I have not neglected my need for other investments. Outright buying this property on their own terms would NOT materially upset my other pursuits.
           I had never planned on buying an expensive place UNLESS silver prices exploded. I have fifty months of future payments not allocated. What I have to decide is would buying this place block me if a better option came along? Or would I be wiser to buy this place because it is a fantastic location, and if I experience a windfall, replace the unit with a doublewide? Either way, I have never seen a nicer property in all the trailer courts I’ve examined in this part of the world.
           To make sure there is no misunderstanding, my place here is perfectly clean and comfortable and in better shape than Wallace let his place fall into. The unit in Boca is merely run-down, it is perfectly livable and a coat of paint would spruce it right up. I have now lived in “trailers” for around six years but have never lived in a bad area.
           My bass tuner needed AAAA batteries, which the Shack only sells now in an 8-pack. For me, that is a twenty-year supply. So imagine my glee finding a 2-pack at Ace up in Boca. At the register I saw this gem of a sign. Need a penny? Yep, I like the place already.

           [Author's note 2015-07-29: Sadly, by the time I had money to afford this subdivision, prices had stabilized and climbed another $10,000. Then again, I never was looking for a fair deal. I need to practically walk away with something. And it will happen. it's not like I'm suffering meanwhile. The subdivision is in Boynton Beach.]

           What did I say about this NSA phone tapping business? Nothing, actually, because they are not tapping the phones, rather they are combing private phone records to see who called who. But for the sake of argument, call it phone tapping because undoubtedly they wouldn’t stop there should they find something. Politicians who vote for it are finding their offices besieged, so I’m not the only one with strong opinions about this illegal surveillance. There are certain things a free people have the right to hide, and one of those things is what they do or say when they think it is private.
           It doesn’t even have to actually be private to be protected by the Constitution, there only has to be the expectation of privacy. What I didn’t know before was the extent of the correlation between campaign contributions from the phone company and the 205 politicians who voted in favor of the snooping. Almost half of BOTH parties voted for the snooping. Thus, it seems there is a very direct cause and effect. Where I come from, that is called a bribe. I cannot think of a single district whose citizens favor government surveillance so I don’t know who these congresspeople claim to be representing other than their own selfish interests.
           Did you know the phone company bags around $300 - $350 from the taxpayer for every line they tap each month, so they are happy enough tap by the thousands, and they do. I used to work there, yes, they tap phones all the time. The phone company has an infinite number of tapping devices, in my day they clamped onto the customer’s pair in the central office and recorded everything. These days it is all digital and triggered by keywords.
           The phone company has so much to lose they don’t even ask the police for a warrant any more. They let the police waltz in, sit at a computer and scan data, not even monitoring what is looked at. This is, of course, highly unethical behavior, but the phone company doesn’t give a damn about what you think. Or ethics in general.
           Did you know that technically, if any of your records are looked at during a criminal investigation, the authorities have 90 days to either charge you or inform you that your records were looked at, by whom, and for what purpose? Nope, you didn’t know that. Very few people know that. But it is the law.

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