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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014

           Not much today, the reason is physical. With Without [sorry for the typo] falling down or any attributable cause, I woke up with a sprained right ankle. I can’t walk period or stand up for more that ¼ of a second. That bad and it is getting worse. No, I have no conditions, there is no swelling, it is muscle and tendon, not bone or cartilage. It only hurts when I move. So I did lots of writing, just not for this blog.
           One item I looked at was the much misunderstood topic of Artificial Intelligence. No, it does not involve massive lines of code to try to account for every situation. Dumb bunnies who try that often lose their spaceship after it gets to Mars. No, A.I. involves giving the computer a much smaller set of rules and turning it loose. That’s what you see in today’s photo.
           This is maybe eight lines of code. It says to the computer to move a small distance in one direction, drawing a colored line. The chose a random direction and do this over again. Then do this 1,000,000 times. Shown here is around a 150,000 iterations because the algorithm does not prevent repeats. I found that a million is enough to cover the entire screen by random. The colors of each line are also random, giving the rainbow effect shown here.
           There are other enhancements, such as preventing the sprite (last item drawn) from going past the edge of the screen. Yes, it can do that unless commanded not to. I don’t like that as there would be nothing to stop the program from overwriting the wrong memory address. I delved into a much simpler type of A.I. back in the early 80s, but never pursued it. That was mainly because A.I. began to use an insane language called LISP. Created by some madman with nothing better to do, I mean that in the sense that it is finicky and yet doesn’t really do much that isn’t already possible with friendlier code.
           Next I see an ad for the “South Florida A.I. and Robotics Group”, founded 2014-03-14. I may make inquiries but I’m more likely to show up at the meetings and see if the door is open. Their literature shows such a spectrum of club interests that I’m sure I’ll find the lunatic fringe in there. You can’t cover everything on their list in a meaningful way at a weekly meeting. I’ll see if Agt. M is interested, but we find most of these clubs are more social than intellectual and in terms of actual performance, more talk that action.
           By evening my ankle is too painful for anything except reading in the armchair. What, you didn't know my ankle could read? Ha, ha. I’m still plowing through “Don’t Turn Your Back On The Ocean” and the pace remains restaurant menus, who is divorced, sensible shoes, and roadside scenery at Monterrey. There was a passage about authors, which perked me up because it is true. There is not a huge market for old-guy memoirs or 40+ writers period. The book points out the obvious, that most script-writers these days are twenty-somethings just out of UCLA.
           It's kind of true, since young writers work much cheaper but it does make all their output a little too trendy for most tastes. So, aren’t you lucky? You have a blog right here that has no store-bought journalism and limited contributions from Ann Coulter and/or Dave Barry. There are very few seniors who can spell it out like I do. The thoughts have to be in your head before you commence writing, which kind of explains why certain people don't write. We who’ve spend a Sunday morning at Dunkin know damn well how little most old people know, even if they had the talent for accomplishment. No, raising a family for 40 years on a salary from the DMV is not an accomplishment, at least not for anyone with an ounce of ambition.
           This doesn’t apply to Professor Oz, who’s next book is keeping him in milk and cookies. No link today but maybe soon, it another in his series of life in the Caribbean escapades. Why not today? Well, the e-mail with the link is on the other side of the room and I can’t walk there to get it.
           And JZ is out of commission again. The guy still gets horrid influenza bouts at an age when most of us have already had the bad strains. I was tempted to disinfect the phone after he called. We still want to make that trip out of town a few days and of course, if he tags along we get all the women. Yes, all of them. We are a team. He’s the fall guy. We traditionally do best in a room full of jock posers who bore all the women to tears. Early next month, but not until JZ is completely recovered.
           Tell you what. Keep busy by counting the number of black dots you see here.