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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014

           America is just not going to make it. Look at the new lotto tickets. They look like CVS receipts and have instructions to scan the ticket into your phone. Right, let them keep track of your lottery purchases, too. Nothing wrong with that. Except I don’t know even one person who ever reported lottery winnings on their taxes. Tell you what, keep scanning “stuff” into your phone, and soon you won’t have to report a damn thing. By the way, if you are on welfare, parole, or disability, don’t scan anything period. I have to say it because it is pretty clear that being incredibly stupid is considered a disability these days.
           I didn’t make my shirtsleeve lesson today. Or anything, since I could barely hobble around. My right ankle, I figure unless I fell asleep on it funny or something. I’ve got it bundled up with those ice packs that say “do no use on limbs”. Well, because they are the only ones that work, that’s why. All medicine is watered down these days because of all the simps out there these days. You know what I mean. Food allergies, but they insist on eating in Chinese restaurants. Bipolar, but they insist on skipping their meds and heading for the airport. Can’t drink a Coca-Cola without complications. You know what I do when I’m gimped? I stay home and gimp there where I don’t bother anybody.
           Actually, I did go out, to McDonald’s. OMG. Yes, but I could not stand long enough to put on a pot of tea, much less bake a chicken wing. I didn’t pay extra for handicap features when I bought this place. But let me tell you who has one of the worst mental handicaps in history. The people over at MicroSoft. Having this unexpected time, I thought I would try to find some of the useful features from XP on Win 7. No luck or extremely difficult. Have you tried to find the envelope printing window? Remember how you used to be able to click on a folder and have it remember your display? Thumbnails for pictures? Now, one change anywhere is a global.
           And yes, I do have teens I know who have used Win 7 as their first and only opsys. But none of them have the foggiest notion where all the typesetting commands are or how to open only one folder at a time. Makes sense, they don’t use these functions, hell, most of them don’t even capitalize their own names. I estimate it would take 30 hours of intense, directed study to get Win 7 to do what XP can. The apps are probably there, but if they require any brains or finesse, they are buried deep. And as always, MicroSoft typos can send your file into never-never-land or make all your familiar commands disappear just to get another ½” of screen space. If I didn’t know better, I’d say all new MicroSoft products are geared toward dork-brains hooked on porno. That’s the only crowd who find Win 7 easy to use.
           JZ phoned again. He is out of it. Fever, can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t take a shallow breath without wheezing. Cancel my plans to visit him this week. Besides, I need a new battery for the batbike and don’t want to spend the money unless I’m planning a big trip. It is easy enough to scooter the 33 miles to JZ’s place since I can take the coast road. In fact, that is the only time I take that road. I’m not a beach person unless I’m paid to play there. Speaking of paid, Pat-B is playing up in Daytona, to be back in a week. Unlike myself, he was born with talent and can do things I only can dream of. Imagine, being paid to take cruises to Hawaii.
           Mind you, he reports that isn’t all roses. I gather that slim or skinny young women on these boats are at a real premium. If there are one or two, he says every guy on board wants to, well, get on board, and they know it. But keep in mind Pat-B is not the type that hits on women, certainly not on the scale that I do. I hit on every good-looking woman I encounter. The problem is, in S. Florida, that is one or two per month. You think I’m making this up, don’t you. Sadly, there are zero available good-looking women over 35 in this part of the world. There is a reason a woman is still single at that age. Also, he notes that all the pretty women on board chase the captain. The lesser ranks get the leftovers. Kind of like the music industry.
           What’s this the wiretappers have admitted they record ALL phone calls in some cases and keep them for 30 days. What gets me is all the people who said anyone who warned about this in advance was “paranoid”. Yeah? They clearly still don’t get it. Can you imagine leading such a boring, zero life that you have nothing to hide? I didn’t mean it that way, Hector. Settle down. Actually, I did mean it that way, Aleman, you are a goof. But hey, it’s not like I’m the only one who knows that. The word is already out.
           And how about the ads on Craigslist musicians? Everybody all of a sudden wants a female singer? Sorry, you guys missed the train. We got the last one that can do harmonies, and if she keeps up the good work, I’ll be giving her a better report card. Oh, and ours is pretty. Another amusement is the metal or rock musicians who say they are “progressive”. How do they figure that? By the same token, should I bill myself as “progressive” Johnny Cash?
           How about that guitar player who posts twice a day, saying he can play “rhythem”? We’ve all heard about the unschooled Johnny B. Goode types, but now explain why so many of them moved to Broward country in the past five years. And that “mature” bass player with “powerful” vocals who can double on the lead. How come these people never play any place where I see them? When I advertise, I tell people where they can come in and hear me play.

           This has to do with Qbasic code, so ignore it if you ain’t interested. The [Qbasic] language itself has a whopping 196 commands—that I know of. Like all whacked out MicroSoft products, they keep changing the rules and not telling you. Most of the commands can be broken down and accomplished by combinations of simpler units. In fact, I consider it the mark and challenge of a good programmer to do so. It makes the code far more self-documenting—the surefire mark of a winner.
           I am about to give my little screen sprite “life”. This is a set of rules that, if followed, allow the icon to move around the screen either seeking or avoiding other objects. Many an Arduino robot does this with sound waves, I will simulate that on the computer. “Life” is the ability to move as long as possible in a straight line without hitting an obstacle or the edge of the screen. There is not yet any “memory”, in the sense that each time the sprite meets something, it makes independent random decisions. Later, I will give it recall where it can check the databanks for a similar situation and be influenced what was statistically the best reaction at that time. See, Theresa was right. I “play on the computer” all day long.
           Here is a successful Spyhunter scan. I highly recommend you put this application on your computer. It is free, and in the past I’ve included the instructions on how to enable the disabled commands, but not this time. It is a good product and I would buy it if I had the money. It catches all kinds of advertising malware that gets missed by anti-virus scans. Spybot is also a good standby, but not anywhere near as thorough as it once was. You done been told.