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Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014

           Lesson learned, always have a backup plan even for holidays. I missed my annual Autumn trip, thinking, no problem, that just frees up the time and money for other things. But what happened instead was I got everything caught up ahead, went to see every worthwhile movie, this kind of thing, until I now have too much time on my hands. But it’s short term time, so it’s not like I could start building a house or anything. Mind you, I considered that.
           If I bought land and built one wall per day, man that would be one sturdy wall, hurricane-proof and square to the millimeter. You know those house plan magazines? I regularly browse them and can always find some cottage-like house that I could see myself putting together over a few months. The only complicated framing is the roof trusses, and if you know my history, I am an absolute expert at building the jigs for those. Hooray, summer jobs in college. Remember, I also have a free plumber and know all the best electricians in this part of the world.
           Here’s a diagram of one I arbitrarily priced out a few years ago. The materials came to $22,000 which is less than I had in petty cash back in 2004. This plan was not ideal, but I’d retire the hell out of nice place like that. “Bedroom 3” was destined to be my office. It was even planned for the porch to face west.
           Rain or not, I’m taking the red scooter to the clubhouse, get in some welding time. Any new readers out there should be informed that as a child, I did not see all the movies you did. That makes me very entertainable if I can find them on-line. There are years of movies, like “Barbarossa” and “Deepwater” to keep me happy in my old age. See that covered patio on the house? That’s so my giant 20 foot movie screen, invented in 2019, won’t get wet.
           If you need me, I’ll be over at the clubhouse, then up at the bakery. Make sure what you have is important. Friday is my day off.

           So, I’m over at the clubhouse and Agt. M says take a look at the new sofa he’s got. Pretty, nice, and he also has these cushions which he said he made himself. That’s great workmanship, I said, and I need some armrests made for my sidecar chair. Where is his sewing machine. Oh, he says, no machine, and shows me he glued the seams together. My gawd, I told him, in 10,000 years when they dig up the artifacts, he will become the world’s most famous bachelor.
           As for least famous, how about yet another loser coming forward and saying Bill Cosby “raped” her. This one, a 57-year-old skank in Boca, maintains back in 1967, she was a fan. There you have it. While there is a chance, however slim, that Cosby is innocent, that word certainly does not apply to this woman. Do the math.
           Thirty-eight years ago makes her a blonde 19 year-old white girl alone with a then 40-year-old rich black man in a hotel room for “several weeks at his expense". There are much better words than “fan” to describe this type of woman, and I think “skank” is, connotatively, an excellent choice. She says he offered drugs, which she took, obviously willingly, which “knocked her out”. If that’s true, why did she keep taking them? Oh right, the rape thing again.
           Um, to any guys out there confounded by weird new “dating rules”, I point out that rape claims by older women are nothing new. Younger guys have to deal with possible allegations of drugged drinks, date rape, and on-going consent meaning she could demand you stop at the last possible second. It was no different back in my day. Although I never personally had a less than avid woman myself, I was very aware of what other men were saying. It was not uncommon back then for women to claim they had too much to drink and “blacked out”.

Why, this is how they tell it.

           This bizarre behavior seems to manifest itself in post-teen women, who for some strange evolutionary or biological reason, don’t like to admit they initiated or enjoyed sex. They will offer some excuse the day after for their plain and obvious conduct, denying they did anything eagerly. I’ve often thought it was a psychological ploy to always be the “good girl” in their own minds long after the fact had passed. But what these woman are claiming today is “rape” is a horrid insult to victims who are brutally attacked by random strangers.

           Yes, I was reading Miami’s pro-gay paper, the Herald. Why? Because they have two crossword puzzles, that’s why. What were you thinking? The news is 4,300 have died in the Ukraine, but that still isn’t front page news. It also says here that ISIL is buying gold to issue its own money. Buyers have appeared all over the Levant claiming the gold is a gift for their wives. Every one of them. Real money? Backed by precious metal? The US has more to fear from that than oil prices. Let’s see, anything else I can make snarky comments about? Ah, how about the SFU black gunman?
           While we wait for his mother to get on TV and tell us what a wonderful boy he was, the papers are making great issue that he must have been insane. Why? Because things were “not going so well” for him in out New Mexico. Screw that, the guy had the money and support to become a lawyer and we don’t need another sob story. What, success drove him crazy? Poor baby.
           The only important news is that if the rain lets up, I’m going to the 2:55PM movie.

           Forget the movie, Agt. M was over and we took the dimensions on the club eBike. The operator, I think, is too high up off the ground. There is no way for his toes to reach the ground when coming to a stop. And while it is made for long distance travel (range 120 miles), you still have to get out of the city to do that. Thusforth, you need the capability to stop and start up again without gymnastics. No pic today.
           Here is a test to see if you are a good Craigslist poster. To qualify, you must be able to expand on the following, constantly:

                 1) Bad people undertip the hardworking server class.
                 2) The worst insult you know is to call somebody “gay”, "Nazi" or "troll".
                 3) Everybody is being suckered by a vast conspiracy which only the chosen few can see through.
                 4) Overweight women are unappealing, which nobody is arguing, so why keep saying it?
                 5) The local sports teams, like the city they play for, suck.
                 6) Liberals are bad people doing great damage this once mighty nation, true.
                 7) All the bad drivers live in your state.
                 8) Anyone who disagrees is unemployed and living in HIS mother's basement.

           Hopefully you are not, like Ken, still going over that list. It’s supposed to be humor, Ken, not an agenda. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t date women who weigh more than I do, that’s item 4. I’m okay with number 7, but I’m moving on. Important priority stuff, like adding curry powder to my food stock, because it lasts forever apparently. I don’t really have that much put away, my concept is that too many things would have to go wrong without warning before a collapse of the system would affect me. By then, the crisis would be over. But you know, I would not want to live without electricity. 110 volts of it, I mean.

           My kind of Friday night. Either playing out or at home quiet. In this case, at home. I don’t randomly surf, but had several hours of planned documentaries on remote island cultures. These type of shows are presented as scientific, however, face it—truly new discoveries have become rare. It’s become stereotypical to see over half the documentary focus on the tribulations of the camera crew (like we care) and riverside interviews with superstitious natives.
           Don’t for forget to have a female scientist along and I can’t be the only one to notice the ruling class in India is trying to “Hindu-ize” history. The Chinese tried a similar tack in the 60s but presumably upon examining the facts, decided to build the Three Gorges Dam instead.
           What I learned was that humans appear to be the only species ever on the planet that has cause the extinction of another species. The main culprit has been climate change, but are not humans causing it this time around?
           This picture is hospital straight jackets. They are used to hold mainly those suffering from narcotic withdrawals. Patented, I think, in Detroit, note they come in infant sizes. Why can't these people get together with the ebola quarantine people? At least that would keep ugly nurses off the bicycle paths.
           Anyway, contemporary documentaries move too slowly so I was constructing a 1/25th scale model of the cPod. Because the new panels are split, the problem of waterproofing will be considerable. I’ve already kept ahead of this by making sure everything possible that goes inside the camper is waterproof. Agt. M’s suggestion for a new sidecar seat is to make a trip over to Pro Bass Shop, see if any of those fishing boat chairs might fit.
           That would be an improvement, good thinking, I told him. The original Russian design had oomphy springs, but the thing could not be left out in the rain. How they survived the Russian climate is enigmatic. It would have to be a small fishing chair to fit. I could use an excuse to go to that store again. I’ve been tempted to order a replacement from the Ukraine, but they looks as fragile as the ones I just lost to dampness. The interior wooden frames disintegrated because I have to park the motorcycle outside.

Togla's Treat

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