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Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014

           It’s my fault nothing happened today. I mean around here, not the whole world, but even that can be a contentious issue. So you get a 2005 style blog entry, that is, a semi-chronological list of what went on. With a little editorial. Drizzle again kept me from the movies, I made it out for coffee but I’ve got the sneezes and heavy upper shoulder flu. So I was inside, mostly reading.
           I took a deeper look into the [programming] code for the BASIC Stamp. It is unimpressive and barely recognizable as BASIC, the worst feature being the non-intuitive commands. Example, the command DIR7=0 would be written in real BASIC as Set Pin 7 to OUTPUT. I can’t believe some people are nerdy enough to think the first is better code. And I hail from a family of nerds.

           When I post the weather report, you know things are slow. No mention of the light rain most of the day. Anyway, no progress on the camper pod and still no call from the shop making the custom clutch cable for my Goldwing. This one of the days I probably would have watched TV if I had one.
           I’d say the only unusual, as in not everyday, event was Agt M came over and we tested some relays. Alright, so maybe the day did have a few highlights you won’t find on the working class table. I also made two short music videos explaining how “rhythm bass” works and dropped robot parts off at M’s place while he was out.
           Old Bill Cosby is still in the news. So, he grabbed a few asses when he was younger, who didn’t? I cannot side with those who say the women did report things at the time and nobody would believe them. Why? Because after the toppling of Nixon, every journalist in the cosmos learned the monetary rewards of celebrity-attacking and politician-baiting. They would have scrambled to get some dirt on the then top-rated Cosby. (And the alleged Cosby incidents were years after the Nixon authors made millions off the expose. I may not understand journalism, but I understand greed.)
           Again, I’m not saying nothing happened, but that I cannot abide with certain aspects of the accusations. There are things that happened to me that I never reported because they would have caused more trouble than they were worth. That could be what we’re dealing with. It's the claims of unsuspecting innocence that I find suspect. It is very, very difficult to get famous persons to take you out to dinner just to discuss whether you need a job or not, and how can they help. Life doesn't work that way, so spare us such tall stories.

           I also had a phone conversation with an old pal from back west. He does not understand why it is so difficult to form a band over here. Pin up an ad, pick the best musician, and go to it, they say. A partial explanation is my theory that as one gets older, the less you want to mess with startups. There’s a parallel between meeting older guitar players and older women. You expect them to at least have learned all the basics, like the amount and brand of effort required to make things work. Instead, they want you to take care of everything for them, like their life is hard enough already.
           To top it off, I have a mildly sore left heel that keeps me immobile but for the necessaries, like groceries. I have the kitchen computer set on a movie feed and I watched, in the background, “Southern Comfort”. About a National Guard squad that gets into trouble in the Louisiana swamp. I like novel movies and this one qualifies. But talk about a laugh when they find this Cajun backwoods town right out of the 1920’s. No phones is believable. But no auto insurance agents and such in a spotless town of what looked like a hundred plus people, that’s far-fetched. It’s worth watching.
           The winter parking spots are still empty. Did I speak too soon saying the Frenchies are returning? A few have, but if another fifty don’t show up in the general area rather quickly, it may be a lean and hungry time for this town. That winter population boom is worth millions and it has been sliding downhill for some eight years running now. House prices are rising, but house prices are a Ponzi scheme and there are no more suckers, at least not any with that kind of money. In another week, the window for this season will pass by.

           Now you know more than you need about what went on in South Florida on November 20, 2014.

           Also, if you like this sentence "Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board", then check this link to the 100 Best First Lines. Myself, I've only read four of them (the books, Ken, not the lines).

Here's today's Togla Treat, a pirated photo.
It's actually advertising for which I should charge them a fee.


"Of all the things that drive men to sea, the most common disaster, I've come to learn, is women."
--Charles Johnson