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Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 2015

One year ago today: September 12, 2014, anti-Trumpers read this.
Five years ago today: September 12, 2010, an auction, you say?
Six years ago today: September 12, 2009, my live music background.

           The Washington Post says this morning that the “migrants” in Greece blame the United States. Why not? It’s a lot more lucrative than accepting any of the blame for themselves, duly noted. And certainly, it carries a lot more potential public benefits than pointing their jeweled fingers at the training camps of Oman and Eritrea. The Post also published this staged photo of a mother and child. With at least 16 deeply concerned, working age males in the background doing everything in their power to help her. Um, okay, like maybe the photo was snapped when they were on coffee break. Or something.
           Again this is a POSED PHOTOGRAPH that the camera crews says "is representave" of the problem. The problem certainly isn't refugee-grade tattered and dirty clothing.
           And this big deal about Beiber posing in jeans? Hey, most any guy would do the same for money, and I was just as great-looking in jeans back in my day. Well, okay, a little blonder and more natural, as in no tattoos. This big deal about Lara Stone, I don’t understand. Quite simply, I don’t find her to be all that pretty. I’d hit on her in a crowded bar, but she’s the type you show her a good time but kick her out in the morning. Seriously, I’ve dated a dozen farm girls better looking than Lara Stone. Just not recently.
           In part of the news that keeps Florida what it is, some taxi companies have sued the Department of Agriculture for giving Uber and Lyft a “competitive advantage”. God forbid, in this capitalist country, that anyone should allow that. Especially when the existing cabs are doing such a bang-up job of it that there was no consumer demand for anything better.
           The contention is that Uber phones are not regulated like taxi meters, and we all know the taxi establishment asked customers if they even wanted a meter. Why, Yellow Cab, on behalf of their clientele, was just getting ‘round to addressing that very issue when these interfering upstarts crashed the party.
           Another group starting to annoy me are those dickwads who think Trump owes them a personal explanation of how he will do things. That’s a presumptuous attitude, indeed. That’s like asking me how I will plan my next circuit. A) I don’t care about your vote on the matter, I’m doing fine. B) How I do it is none of your actual business. C) The existing system is so bad I could not do any worse. And if I suspect for a second you are slimy enough to support the corrupt and ineffective existing system, you are a Liberal, a crook, or on welfare and this conversation is over. Permanently.
I heard a suspect in the freeway shootings has been picked up. I will not, nor do I need to ask, if it is a non-white male with a non-American sounding name. I’m not saying anything mean, I just don’t have to ask. That’s all.

           Hero of the day? Petra Lazlo. That’s the Hungarian, reporter or not, that at least tried to stop a few of the illegals. Good for you ,Petra. If a few more of the so-called “men” in your country, particularly the police and the army, would grow a pair and try half as hard as you did, the “refugee” problem would be solved the only way it can be solved. Bravo! We’ve got the same brand of coward bastards in America, they’d sell their mother to the Mexicans if they thought it would make them look good on camera.
           I saw the whole video. These were criminals on the run from the police. None of them were even trying to go around you, a few tried to trample you. These people are there illegally and you are right. Hungary owes these people nothing. If they want humanitarian aid, Saudi Arabia is closer than Greece. And they are your brother Muslims, full of the grace, etc., etc.
           I’ll tell you what gives me a laugh. In the documentaries when they have a message to the troops, say, read in Japanese or German accent. I’ve been doing routine repairs around the house and listening to tapes of newscasts from the era. The fake German always has a sandpaper voice and the Japanese guy sounds Chinese to me.
           I got the bad transistors to work as switching units only, the problem was they cannot be biased properly unless the bass voltage at least equals the collector voltage, hence, useless. I dislike them as switches because to work properly, they must be connected to ground rather than just have the positive voltage removed. They will function with the Arduino, which has built-in pull-downs. Careful, it’s still a trap.
           And we got more flooding, I’m again living on an islet. Since I stuck here, I’ve repaired a mop, one of those round knife sharpeners, a camera, a disk drive, some battery leads, an air conditioner bracket, two cupboard hinges, and the wire cage around my shop light. It’s got so I can tell when something was made by how repairable it is. New stuff is crap. As I’ve maintained, the system today had so many broke losers picking at it and picking at it that it’s now third world. In the sense that if you want anything that works or lasts, you now have to pay extra for it.
           As for Taylor Swift in the news, it is clear. You grab her ass, even in fun, you lose your job and get banned from her concerts for life. Don’t look at me, I don’t have a job and I quit attended “concerts” in 1980 when they were no longer concerts, but total rip-offs. BB King, the Stones, and the Doobie Brothers excepted. Does this mean, given the opportunity, I’d grab Taylor’s gluteus maximus? Sure—but I’d ask for permission first, and get it. It’s the gift of gab, guys.

           That was a fruitful study session. It took a while for the “backwards” wiring and programming to sink in, but I have partial success. It is counting, but using half of the old code for the three-digit program from last week. So, it is counting from the wrong side and skipping the number 9, but that can all be solved by moving the wiring around the buss, a system I build into every circuit.
           Look what I found, a picture of my former neighbor’s “mobile home”. Not just this model, this is the actual one he owned. The guy who sold his ashtray factory for millions just before it went belly-up. The retail on this puppy is $466,000. Too bad he died. For reasons unknown, this unit is for sale. The floor is heated porcelain.
           Trivia. Who is Pattie Malette? She’s Canadian, single and worth $20 million. Just pushing 40, she began as a child actress at age nine in a children’s show called “Romper Room”. Although she had a kid a 17, she has since moved along in the entertainment field to become an authoress and a short film producer. What? The kid’s name. That’s easy. Justin Bieber.
           What, you thought he made it on his own? Don’t be naïve. She’s the one that got him his first singing gig at the Stratford Star contest without even an audition.
           And buried here deep near the bottom, yes, for those who spotted the coincidence, yes, Trump did this morning give an interview that parroted the items published in this blog on September 8 this year.
           In particular, and in the same order, he brought up the points the majority of the refugees are working age males and that the neighboring Arab countries were not allowing any entry. But I am absolutely, entirely convinced that is pure coincidence. Again.
           As for the MacDonald’s employees now being replaced by robots, how’s that $15 an hour wage demand working out for you? Now that you have no jobs.
           It’s official. Windows 10 blocks Norton antivirus. It seems people who use Windows will never learn, and Redmond knows it.

           Food! Well, sort of. I found some real Roquefort cheese. Not bleu cheese, that’s Kraft or something. Only the real thing can be called Roquefort, made only in France, with the penicillin mold. Does anyone know what is France’s favorite cheese? I do. It is called Comte, which you probably have tasted as Gruyere. I don’t care for it, but I sure invite you to compare it to how they mass produce cheese in this country. Some of the rules are (in France):

           No more than three cows per acre.
           No silage, fresh natural fodder only.
           It cannot be sold in grated form.
           No salt in the mix. (It’s sprinkled on the surface afterward.)

           And that is just a few reasons why “bleu cheese” is not and never will be Roquefort. And while I’ve got food on the brain, some day next week is time again for more walnut meal. I’m the only one who does it now and in that sense have the most experience. I’ve done 100 pounds so far. Last time, I ground 50 pounds in one sitting. I’m in the walnut grinding hall of fame.

Last Laugh

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