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Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11, 2015

One year ago today: September 11, 2014, the show-off game.
Five years ago today: September 11, 2010, new library system.
Six years ago today: September 11, 2009, milk in plastic bags.

           Yep, I read the newspapers this morning. Good for Trump, the rest of the candidates together can barely match his commanding lead. I wish the more obvious ass-kissers in that bunch would dare to debate him and thereby dig their own graves. It’s disgusting how they think they can between them pressure Trump into acting politically correct, but they don’t get it. People are fed up with that whole image and everybody I know thinks DC is full of crooks who sold out the country.
           This explains why I’m spending the day in deep study. That’s far more interesting than listening to the anti-Trump cowards and liars jockey for second position. Oh, I contacted the seller of that place in Winter Haven, and he’s mighty desperate to sell. His job took him out of state and he’s having trouble keeping the place. It is currently rented out for $800 per month and the tenants want to stay on.
           Yes, it is a mobile, but sure, I’d live there without question. What’s more likely is that I’d rent out a room in return for light upkeep. I’ve done thi successfully many times. I can easily meet the terms of the sale, it would actually begin to free up capital for me. Although not for the overall situation, just for me.

           How quickly the world has forgotten this picture. It’s that big pipeline explosion in China a couple years ago. This kind of thing happens all too often in the world, but when you have government-controlled media, you won’t learn about it unless it’s detected by satellite. The problem relates once again to how these foreigners only want our material possessions, but don’t want to pony up for things their superior cultures don’t traditionally support. Like safety inspections.
           Now hear this, the situation has already changed. JZ is gung-ho about this property and has been on the cellular since I left the coffee shop this morning. You see, this property (in the picture) is attainable now—full price if we want to pay it. While the final decision is mine, I tend to allow everybody in the picture to have some say. That’s double-edged. If you have no say, you are not in the picture. You know darn well what I mean.
           Well, JZ is adamant. We only work superbly as a team and he wants to head out to see the place tomorrow. He has repeatedly seen that with his truck thrown in for free, we can make these trips for an average of only $57, which he knows I will absorb. And it is always an adventure. What’s different this time is he knows the exact area, while I have only driven through it. I know I said Winter Haven, but it is actually a few miles out of there.
           Yet everybody I’ve talked to loves the place. There are colleges there and it’s not a small town like Arcadia. It is a group of small cities, lots of ‘em. All within driving distance. And the incentive is clear. We can handily meet the price but would want a substantial discount for a massive down payment. I say we wait until next            Tuesday, risking a miss, but he wants to leave tomorrow. I talked him into allowing me the rest of today to run the numbers.
           Whereas I understand the sense of urgency on a retirement property, let’s not forget I am quite comfortable right where I am. Urgent doesn’t translate into desperate in my life. I’ve rarely lost by taking my time over money. My only real competition is others my own age who have that incalculable asset I cannot possibly match: dying relatives with money.
           My thinking is that a nicer place like this can only carry a below-average asking price for one reason. It must be near a bad neighborhood. Of course, federal law says nobody can tell me the facts on that. And you wonder why I want Trump in there. To kick the shit out of these PC bastards. I have a safety obligation to know in advance what kind of neighborhood it is before I buy and I shouldn’t have to tiptoe around to find out. As far as I’m concerned, forbidding people to tell the truth is a form of endangerment --it is dangerous sometimes to even drive through these areas. Every Florida settlement has bad areas and only retarded Liberals think ythe public has no right to that information.

           Whew, I got JZ calmed down with the logic that we wait until Tuesday, giving others a chance to view the property. If it is still there at that price by then, there is something wrong with it. Fair? I've been saying "fair" a lot lately. Yeah, I know, how can I ask what is fair? What’s that quip about whether Galileo or the Church was right about the sun. To be fair, they called on the Pope to decide.
           I’ll tell you who is right about that circuit that was stumping me. I said I knew I was right, so there must be something else wrong. Here it is, and likely a sight you’ve not seen before. These are hundreds of bad PNP resistors. Brand new, very high quality—except they don’t work. They are the “backwards” type that turn off when they see power to the base. So, what happens to these now? Throw them out?
           Nope. Soldering practice. Plus, many circuits that I build often contain dummy parts before they are photographed. It’s the components that are dummies, not the designer. Do not try to reverse engineer any circuit you see here. It is probably full of red herrings. Follow only written directions, if any.
           These are transistors I purchased on sale from some place early along, when I didn’t know anything about electronics and needed cheap items to work with. Since they were PNP (backwards) they sat unused for years until I found none of them work. Common mistakes include removing the supply voltage instead of grounding the base pin (to operate the circuit and not ensuring the ground is common to the power supply. These are easy errors to make because although these transistors operate opposite ways, they are not mirror images.
           But dang, I just got bad transistors. There are several things I have yet to try to make them work, theories of operation I have only read about. Mostly involving an extra “pull up resistor”. So let’s not give up hope yet.

Last Laugh

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