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Saturday, March 10, 2001

March 10, 2001

           [Author’s note 2016-02-23: here’s one of those fake crop circle hoax pictures from the English countryside. Called the “six-armed Julia”. It’s here to liven up this day’s post. Crop circles have a few things in common, such as always being located near English college dormitories. And you’ll notice all crop photo pictures clearly reveal the “tramlines”, those tractor wheel marks through the field the frat boys use to sneak in without trampling the foilage.]

           Major study again. I’m making headway. Nothing but fast food left in the house, my laundry piles up. Study pre-empts evertything. But in the evening, I went to Starbucks. The Hippied forgot he invited me to play, so I got nothing. Except the phone number of a 28 y.o. Japanese babe, studying cultural anthropology, whatever that is.
           And I got stared down by Granny Goodwitch, some old broad trying to act elegant & pretend she was reading a big book.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-23: ha, a typical scribble from my desk calendar, entered as the daily record, and now winding up here as a blog post. I have no recollection of that day. But I do know the Japanese broad never happened. And as for grannie type Starbucks posers who think I’m too old to get the young ones, well, you know what you can do with your big book.
           Nor was it rare for the Hippie to “forget” he asked you to stand in. He looks bewildered when you show up, but never clues in that you must somehow have known when and where. As I said, not rare.]

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