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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15, 2016

One year ago today: March March 15, 2015, tea, lots of tea.
Five years ago today: March 15, 2011, “feels” like a ½ million.
Nine years ago today: March 15, 2007, this is all conjecture.
Random years ago today: March 15, 2013, a full parking spot.

           Is this the day I get to say “I told you so” concerning real estate? I received an e-mail this morning with the assignment of an REO number, indicated the bank has my offer. My $1 over the list price offer. Wouldn’t that be something? If I get it, you’ll have to read about it here because you’d never hear me shout it over the sound of us giggling and rubbing our hands together.
           This was a day of logistics, making ready to blast back north in a wink if anything goes right. This time, JZ will be along and, at the price paid, we will have plenty left over to begin repairs immediately. Maybe same day. This topic will dominate the blog, I’m certain, but it is big news around here. I seem to be the only person anyone knows who bought a place cash. Oh, they’ve heard of it, but I mean, within my own circles.

           Here’s a picture of Mars, the polar regions. I bent a few ears on my derision of NASA last day, but I will not unsay any of it. They have become just another bloated bureaucracy all hyped up over their own pet projects, each politically designed to last more than presidential term limits. And none of them involve getting a man to Mars.
           This is the famous photo that shows ice. In this case, it is like a glacier where the outer layer is coated with sand and dust. If not for NASA, there would probably already be Americans living there and polluting it.

           And who has seen those phony polls showing Rubio and Hillary gaining or winning over Trump? Were these polls taken on some campus? Where else you gonna find so many Marxist-type airheads than second-year arts majors? Remember, if you are not rich by age 20, any crackpot philosophy is better than capitalism. This is especially true if you major in Arts, Education, or PhysEd. Because in those faculties, politics is a game.
           Always remember, games are for people who cannot read or think. As for the comeback that Arts majors must necessarily know how to read, think about it this way: can’t read, don’t read, same thing. I cannot possibly be the only one who has noticed how stupid people sound when they criticize Trump. They seem to get every fact, major or minor, not only wrong, but wrong in the opposite direction.
           Mostly they seem like people who don’t want to argue the facts, but instead hate anyone who has the cheek to quote them. The opposing voices are getting ever dimmer and it looks like a shoe-in for the Donald. My observations are that one of the worst qualifications for being president is to have been a state governor. In fact, that seems more a like an apprenticeship in corruption and double-talk, and to me is an automatic disqualification.

Wiki picture of the day.
ISS: the next waste of money.


           "Bring her flowers. You can think of a reason later." - Me, I said that.

           Didn’t I say I’d be toying with the idea of new whirlamagigs? My first concept was to use the wind to wind up a spring which then operates some action “backwards” Or the possible combination of a microchip to do something unexpected. But the more promising idea is to have the “windmill” hidden so it seems the power source for some mechanism is invisible.
           Like I thought of a model of a Messerschmidt 272, which has turbines. Maybe have the wind go through the nacelles to operate a “rat-a-tat” mechanism, like machine guns. I’m not comfortable with objects that could make noises at night, but I’m just touching on this. Maybe I could have some simple gears to make the airplane bank, or even lower and raise the landing gear.
           Or how about a wind vane that gives some indication of the wind speed as well as direction. No, not a donkey tail, but with simple gears. I can build simple gears, you know. I once build a contraption with 14 gears, it’s still around here somewhere, and it runs fine. And if you were here every day, you see my work is getting steadily toward the smaller items. I’m becoming intrigued with the Harbor Freight mini-milling lathe. Which I know nothing about.
           But I do know when I have tools, I learn how to use them properly.

           I remained at home, planning logistics that would become necessary if the bank accepts my offer. Actually, I looked that up, and it isn’t a bank, it is a private mortgage company. It just walks and quacks like a bank. The biggest issue is being ready to move fast if they suddenly decide they need anything. Not like money; that we have. But this process is not only novel to me, I’ve learned that most people you deal with have a “mortgage mentality”. It is not uncommon to find others continually expecting me to sign for things only a debtor is required to bother with. Like insurances and credit forms.
           Overall, we are ready. Four hours to Bartow and we can manage from there. One of the priorities will be getting a vehicle permanently up there for whoever is in the house, but until the bank replies, I know all that is jumping the gun. But this time, it is my jump and my gun. For a laugh, I’ll tell you my “real estate agent” is an older German hausfrau with no spark of humor in her constitution. She does not abide even by analogies and figures of speech. Remind me to contact her if the south secedes again.
           You see, we’ll be needing a new Andersonville for the northern tax collectors, and she can be the commandant. No, tax collecting is not “just another job” and those who do it should be drawn and quartered. Or at least put to death as painfully as possible, for real Christians and real Americans do not steal from others, and do not obey laws that endorse income taxation. Notice, I said “income” taxation. I have no problem with sales taxes, consumer taxes, and user-pay taxes.

Last Laugh
Not that guy again!

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