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Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 24, 2016

One year ago today: April 24, 2015, and Kissinger ought to know.
Five years ago today: April 24, 2011, it’s an acquired behavior.
Nine years ago today: April 24, 2007, from watching Borat?
Random years ago today: April 24, 2010, All time most popular post of this blog.

           More activity with the real estate circus. It centers on the doggie-poo place. That’s a malaprop, as in “poo”, not “poop”, a joke made at first impression. There is no dog poop, just a defining ambience of Fido. Like the old sofa where the lab used to sleep. It’s top story as it is also now top of the buy list. It dominates the blog for now, as you know the stories here are not dictated by what I think you might want to read, I call that whimping out. The governing factor is probably novelty or new incoming data on subjects that worked well in the past. In fact, I hate sites that post a porno or doobie shot and brag they get clicks.
           This is the living room, showing the extensive carpeting described last day. For unknown cause, these ads fail to show the master bedroom, which is an entire self-contained wing of the building. I won’t say “ensuite” in case Wallace is still around and reading this blog from his basement studio. I have an offer ready and it should come as no surprise if accepted, I can kiss goodbye to my sidecar trip to the Smithsonian. It may be destiny that I was never meant to see that museum.
           I cannot find a photo that portrays the true extent of the back yard. This property is nearly 2/5ths of an acre. So much room for robotics-inspired activities. It looks like the appliances are included. Never get your hopes up, if you’ve been around, you know we have lost out several times by a matter of minutes.

           This round, we responded in record time. There was another aspect about this that was not in the forefront. It was that when time was tight, I was once more 100% behind the actual financing. Others always seem to have trouble coming up with a share, often despite what I consider to be massive means compared to my resources. Hence, if this property flies, I will be sole owner. It kind of makes one wonder why I bother with even letting anyone else in on the action. I suspect it is because I’ve learned to network for the future while I’m caught up in the here and now.
           What’s more, every time I get any assistance from anybody, besides the delays, they always introduce an environment of indecisiveness and buyer’s remorse. I rarely agonize over my own money choices even when I’m wrong, hmmm, maybe because I’ve never met anyone better at it? I certainly have no qualms about sunk costs. I know damn well after I buy something, a better deal is going to come along. Maybe I’ve seen this element stun too many others into inaction? This is why they can’t have nice things.
           Why the pep talk? Because you take one look at this property and you know that it is a compromise. It is not the little acreage I wanted, nor is it the tiny place to hold up while searching the interior. The intention was an office, but there is nothing to stop me from occupying it as a home. Why is such a base so important? I’ll give one example of what I lost by not having a station in the interior.

           One year ago, I lost a two cabin property for the price I’m now paying because I relied on a friend for a ride and a lady for a place to crash for one night. Remember Deland? The place you don’t know about is Trapnell Road. Because I could not afford to wait on the deal locally, that property got picked up for $18,000 twenty-five months ago, and is now listed for $165,000. While there is no guarantee I would have been the successful bidder, it is typical of the deals still possible if you have cash in the mid-Florida highlands. And who has any cash left these days?

Wiki picture of the day.

           This is an usual photo, the under-seat electronics of the red scooter being tested. Observe the massive battery and heavy gauge wiring. See my home-built test lamp, this will go out when I find that short. And I have not yet found it, dammit. All day at the task and I know it has something to do with the rectifier. But that component is solid state, causing me to suspect that high-beam circuit. I worked until dark, so later with that.
           Even when problems are found, they are not repaired. I may not be the best self-taught robotics engineer in the world (but considering what I’ve read, there is a chance I could be) so wiring problems are not repaired. They are severed out of the circuit and completely wholey by new lines, usually 14 awg or better. You can see evidence of that here. Like stubborn women, bad wiring is not worth struggling with.

           Mid-way, I took a siesta and read more of “Port Mortuary”. The delay is the change of plot half way through. It seems to me I’ve been snagged by this trick before. The book starts off as a great murder mystery, but once that’s done, the author changes tactics, knowing you are not likely to quit reading now.
           The middle 150 pages degenerates into a fantasy that the protagonist, a Dr. Scarpetta, is going to solve this crime by woman’s intuition alone. All while dealing with being poisoned and arguing with her husband at the same time, no less. It’s asking a bit much from the reader, so I’m taking my time on this one.
           Tell you what, if you have a hard time believing that crap, here is something true but just as bizarre in some people’s thinking. Do you know where I used to hide my cash in the house before I got really clever? In a small sealed jar weighted with BBs placed inside a larger jar of pickles in the fridge. Works only if you live alone. Now I need all my fridge space for the gallons of cold water and peach tea required for Florida summertime survival.

           Here’s some potential good news. A Canadian company, Spin Master, has acquired the rights to Meccano and rumor is they may begin production. What a boon that would be to robotics after years of domination by ugly and unsuitable plastic building blocks. The plastic was never durable enough to build rugged working contraptions. Don’t jump for joy, true inventors. You see, that company is known for tacky kits and droids. I suspect the price of a real set of meccano components from such an oufit would bankrupt most of us.
           And here is my favorite weather report of all time. Bet you guys can’t watch just part of it.

           How about this device? It is my secret weapon against intruders in the back yard. Then I find out most people don’t know what it is. It is a motion activated sprinkler. You walk near it, you get hosed. Mine is slightly modified to work only at night, when I’m never in the back yard, and only when it also detects infrared heat. Is this a “cyberbomb”? No, but talk about an effective deterrent. You get them at the flea market for $4 each. Aim it so the water splatters on your window and wakes you up.
           I had a chuckle at the Pentagon’s announcement that they are using cyberbombs on the bad guys. Even if it is true, it will only infuriate the barbarians even more. What’s funny is that this announcement is in keeping with the entire mind frame that the only way to conduct crime is on-line and that all criminals worthy of the name have to become computer-savvy. What nonsense, the oldest and trusted methods of laundering and moving cash work just as fine as they ever did. And all this talk of cyber-war is just a ploy hoping the resistance will forget that.

           Catching up on my newsfeeds, I see that the establishment has not realized that spending money to stop Trump is having the opposite effect. But like all unimaginative losers, they have nothing else that works any better. So they keep spending and making him stronger. As for the contenders, they have shown themselves to be disorganized rabble. Trump represents an ideal, the others represent the establishment, who by the way, hate being called the establishment.
           I’m still no supporter of any politics and it is silly to watch the arthritic old-style parties always supporting the person most likely to take away votes from Trump. Even when that person is a reprehensible idiot. Trump’s no Einstein, but he’s no idiot for sure. Remember, this blog predicted his meteoric rise the day after the ride down the escalator. At the end of the day, Trump will win because he is finally giving real Americans somebody to vote for. Real Americans means no Liberals, please.

           [Author's note: it is well known that as candidates wade into the election process, they must soften and move toward the middle, that is, to become a moderate. Good news, Trump does not have to do that. The middle-road has been the death of many a political career, just ask the runner-ups. The establishment takes great store in swaying the minority voting blocs, you know, the Jews, the Latinos, the queers, the anti-gun lobby, etc. The theory is if you have enough minorities, they can tip the vote. The problem is, you cater to minorities, you sink the ship.
           The insiders initially had their mouthpieces play up that you can't insult minorities and become president. As with everything else concerning Trump, they were dead wrong. Trump appeals to a much higher ideal than whether or not there is a transgender restroom in South Beach. He has risen above that and the establishment is dumbfounded.]

           Here’s your caveat emptor for the day. Here’s a brightly lit property in Ft. Meade at 3/4s the price of surrounding homes. Brightly lit because if you look dead center of the photo, you can see through the living room and over the back yard and see the neighbor’s garage door across the alley. The entire back wall of this house is missing. Do you think that also explains the 25% off the price tag? Get it. Patsie? Bwaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha!

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