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Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28, 2016

One year ago today: April 28, 2015, Deland, FL
Five years ago today: April 28, 2011, eHarmony rejects.
Nine years ago today: April 28, 2007, Immokalee, FL
Random years ago today: April 28, 2008, the lowest form of life.

           Are you ready for some silver fiction? Look at this morning’s spot price. Here’s my imaginary scenario. The NYMEX opens at $17.28 per ounce, the banksters panic. Cheek by jowl they close ranks, but only manage to flat-line the price at $17.34 until 11:00AM. But the new incoming money does not want worthless bank silver certificates, they want bullion. And by noon silver waltzes up above $17.50, a four year high. And it behaves like it wants to stay there. Trouble is a-brewing, no doubt about it.
           I spent the morning moving assets around to protect myself if anything happens. It’s getting so over the simplest things any more, you have to go hire a lawyer. Buying a house, even altering a clause in your will, it’s going to cost you a thousand dollars. You may notice the spate of magazines and articles about the 47% of Americans who cannot come up with $400 in a crisis (which was highlighted in this blog less than an hour after the announcement). This is grim situation, peeps. Fortunately, I’m not one of those and neither is anybody who has been taking my advice over the years.

           My thinking goes a step further, in questioning should a crisis occur, why don’t these people just put it on their credit cards? I mean, they put their groceries, gas, and all-too-often their goddamed bubble gum on a card. Ah, the card is tapped out. And the advent of smart phones is just aggravating the matter. A telephone, the Millennial’s first choice for entertainment and shopping. Anyway, I find most people who read about the $400 don’t get that far in their thinking—since people are not dropping dead all over, where are they getting the money?
           Where indeed? You see, “trouble” raising the money already includes and accounts for trying to borrow the cash. It says nobody else has the cash either. Well, that just breaks my little heart. Maybe they could try selling some of their silver certificates? If that doesn’t work, what about all the equity in their house they’ve been bragging up for 40 years.
           In related news, I see there is fomenting legislation to shut down payday advance lenders. One source says the average “victim” is a 25 to 44 year-old white female. Hey, they are the ones that wanted equality and I say let them deal with it. The media is calling lenders a cancer while I say the lenders are only a symptom. The cancer already exists and the media is the primary vector. Just ask Mr. Trump, the American Churchill.

           A young black couple pulled up in my driveway today, rap music blasting out the smoky window. The lady gets out and asks if I know the neighbors. Yes. She found his driver’s license blowing in the street and were returning it. That’s downright nice and I thanked them, putting the card away until the people return. I felt no need to point out that the rough-looking person in the picture was not actually my neighbor, but his wife.

Wiki picture of the day.
Elugelab Islan . . . oops, too late.
164 foot underwater crater.

           In my trip this morning, I passed this wagon of my dreams. It is one heavy-duty piece of equipment, I’ll see if I can find and price it. While probably too heavy and high to be towed by sidecar, this is what you’ll need when the currency hits the fan. Returning from the north, I took the side road and stopped at the Andrews Diner for toast and coffee. That’s before I realized I was in the queerest part of town, known as Wilton Manors. I had already parked and walked to the door before I realized the newspaper rack was not, shall we say, the Miami Herald. Anyway, the waitresses are sharp as tacks. Women have to be when they are not in demand.
           As I left there for the book store, I saw this wagon. Parked in front of an equally rugged looking Range Rover. I must source this piece of equipment. Then on to Barnes & Noble on Federal, where actually bought something today. I’ve noticed several new-to-me styles of books for sale. One is a rash of adult coloring books, and they are adult-priced. Another is log books. Like a guest book, you have one on your coffee table, bathroom, etc. Guests sign in and grade the experience.
           One popular theme is to compare the event to a popular song. For the bathroom, I would have checked “More Than A Feeling”. I tend to linger at that bookstore, though not as much as when they had a full variety of books rather than just what sells. That’s a pity in our age of truth-by-majority-rules. Where, if enough public school grads believe something, it becomes the truth.

           There’s more under-emphasized monetary flare-ups in the news. Russia announced it is venturing to set its own oil prices, same with China. But Russia is no pushover. The average Joe doesn’t understand the seriousness of this development, so that’s where gems like this blog help out. Basically, the whole world either agreed or was coerced into accepting a price for oil established by the Platt’s agency (no link) that I’ll bet you never heard of. It is a marketing analysis company and a sharp reminder to countries that produce oil, you still have to move it to the buyers.
           And that movement requires ports, pipelines, tankers, and enough middle-men to insure a given barrel changes hands several times before even reaching a refinery. Plenty of time to tinker with the price. To keep this on an even keel, all parties involved agree to price oil and trade it in American currency, the aptly-named petrodollars.
           This pricing structure often places oil-dependent economies at a disadvantage when prices are down. Their only strategy to keep revenues up is to pump more oil, but that destroys the quota system. Enter another factor, in which some middle-east areas feel that they only need abide by the quotas if it allows them to keep their “rightful place” in the hierarchy.
           Places like Saudi Arabia are losing a billion a day (reputedly) by the recent halving of oil prices. They failed to diversify their economy for 40 years running. They are the ones that signed the original price-fixing agreement in 1971, and the ones who based their lifestyle on the importation of luxury goods. So let them suffer. What, no water to fill the golden bathtubs?

           But DC can’t bomb or assassinate either Russia or China when they decide to price their own oil. Notice, I specify DC, not America. Like the way they killed Kaddafi when he tried to establish a gold-backed African currency, see photo. It shows what these dinar gold coins look like. Ah, you didn’t know about that. He had a stockpile of 146 tons of gold, enough to back a currency that would have trounced the dollar. The Rothschild systems calls for “the immediate silencing of those who would threaten” the world central banking system.
           Nor can the market ignore the bottom line. Real silver is not moving and paper silver is already out of control. I say by noon tomorrow it goes past $18.00, beyond any hope of the banks meeting their commitments. They have to do something now and one graph these days is as good as another, what with the sheer number of ‘tards who toe the party line. I’m on the side of the silver owners. If this silver explosion happens, I reserve the right to gloat. Bragging is from a technical standpoint the precise counterpart of criticism. That is, they didn’t told you do. Not a grammar mistake.

           For those still unclear on the issue, the propaganda that Jews own the central banks is not exactly true. A segment of the Jews, collectively known as Zionist Khazars hatched a plan a century ago to take over the banking systems of host countries, slowly bleeding its wealth away to establish and support the nation of Israel. Hence, the Jewish connection. One of the primary methods is to take over a county’s media and use it to channelize public opinion.
           Does it work? Sure, it does. Here’s the test. Name six useless countries that we should care less about, but are constantly portrayed as threats to our way of life. They have one thing in common, before they were bombed or will be bombed, they did not or will not allow Zionist bankers to operate there: Libya, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, and North Korea. It isn’t rocket surgery to figure out why these countries are constantly demonized in the press. Zionists believe they are the only group that can effectively unite all Jews into a single political entity.
           But you have to be careful. There are equally persuasive theories that it was the Rothschilds that took over the philosophy of the Zionists and not the other way around. And even another theory that the Rothschilds are just a front for a Swiss crime syndicate. Russia had repaid all its international debts by 2006 and has since systematically kicked the Zionists out. The moment that was accomplished, they announced this oil price breakaway. That is they will sell oil not at the price set by the US, but by what others are willing to pay for it, the presumption is at a higher price. And that they will accept other forms of payment than the US dollar.
           If this happens, the US dollar will plummet. Your plastic bucket from Wal*mart will cost $200.

           This photo is a 1930-ish tenor guitar, I’ve heard it referred to as “riverboat guitar”.Just after dark, I took the batbike up to the new club. It was full in the sense that all the chairs were full but not that full, as the furniture is very sparse. The king of ukuleles was there, a rare individual who has actually studied the instrument and plucks it more than strums, similar to a tenor guitarist would play an arpeggio accompaniment, but without any hint of banjo. He also croons. That is somebody I could collaborate with.
           No pro guitar types showed up, so it was finally a real amateur show. Mind you, what few guitar players were there did the wrong moves. One guy did three originals that could not be told apart. Another tried to “infect the audience with his enthusiasm”. And one more waited to get on stage to tune his instrument. So naturally, and I should stress naturally my show once more brought cheers from the rafters. Twice, and the owner was behind the bar to see/hear it both times.
           Wait until tomorrow for the analysis. Music is too complicated an undertaking to always have it your own way. But being nimble enough to sense the crowd mood is one delicate exploit. It’s different every time, and I’m finding you don’t have to be an expert because by comparison, all the guitar players are so bad at it. No, I’m not just saying that to make my case. Now that I’ve been playing guitar I see that I’ve been right about a lot of things all along.
           See the photo again, a tenor guitar, four strings. The additional two strings on a regular guitar are magic strings. They turn the person who plays them into a legend in his own mind virtually overnight.

           Once again, I formulate a plan for a coffee house, but I don’t really mean coffee house. There are already plenty of those. You might find my concept amusing. It would also be a tea house, but with some really fundamental differences. My advertising would emphasize this is not just another “New Age” hang out. You want your “chai” or your “celestial seasonings”, you go uptown or downtown, anywhere but here. I would put in five sets of encyclopedias and stress the intellectual atmosphere, a place where you can do research without being cooped up at home.
           This is a twist on the “licensed library” concept from Texas in my early days. Some place I could go have a beer and read a newspaper without drunks rolling by and some dismal twerp playing kid music on the juke box because he thinks it’ll convince women he’s “with it”. As it stands in most of America, you got your sports bar, your expensive lounges, and Karaoke. All of which cater to the most non-cerebral aspects of our society. We need a bar that recognizes people with intellect also like a drink now and then.
           Other than a few rarified European spots, think Germany and England, there are no public places where intellectuals can gather of their own volition. I remember touring a [private] club out west that wanted me as a member. I saw the pool, the tennis court, the weight room, but when I asked where was the library, they looked at me like I had grown two heads.

           I’m nearly finished the latest crime novel, why I’m still reading it, I don’t know. The remaining hundred pages is the middle-aged lady solving the mystery entirely by thinking about how unrelated incidences affect her emotionally. Somebody else used her lab coat, therefore the killer was left-handed, lived in the mid-west and worked in a paper mill. Anyway, there are tidbits of info and one of them is your trivia. Do you know why when you get an MRI, they make you remove all metal. That’s not because it upsets the MRI.
           It’s because the MRI causes the metal to vibrate. Apparently this can be a real problem if the metal is internal, like a pacemaker. I found out the worst case scenario is people who work with metal presses and drills. Tiny fragments and shavings can often get into their eyes and lodge under the eyelids. The MRI not only heats the metal past boiling, it shakes it enough to scramble the surrounding flesh.

           Gross? Yes, but this blog is not known for glossing things over just because the truth might be inconvenient. Myself, I always wear safety goggles. I own a pair for every tool in my arsenal. I do not recommend this book, “Port Mortuary”. It is more of a lengthy biography of stereo-typed behavior designed to justify never really growing up as a “feminine” trait or characteristic. There is no distinction between the grown woman and the preschooler who have both learned to get their own way by throwing tissy-fits at inconvenient times. The book is also a weak attempt to define how the author’s view of what is normal. Like only thinking about sex with her husband. That's a good one.
           Thank God I know women who have risen above that.

Last Laugh Hope.

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