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Monday, July 18, 2016

July 18, 2016

One year ago today: July 18, 2015, my first cashier’s check.
Five years ago today: July 18, 2011, the killer curb.
Nine years ago today: July 18, 2007, that bargain was simple.
Random years ago today: July 18, 2014, a Friday gig.

           I’ve got some rare photos for you. I heard that. How could anything be rare if you publish it on the Internet? I meant by way of content. There are very few pictures of me reading or writing at home, so here you go. A photo of me hand-writing letters while listening to the radio. In the middle of the hot afternoon up in the new house.
           This picture is busy, which explains why so many times you don’t see me in my natural state. Clearly visible are my hardhat, meaning I was working, and my Fishman Solo PA in the corner, meaning I was playing music, and you get the idea. The photo is overexposed due to fluorescent lighting off to the right side, but you can still see how bright the day was. The bright lights are illuminating the bathroom, which will be the real challenge on this project.
           Half the budget for building materials is for the new bathroom and attendant plumbing.

           Hello? Major jet lag, where am I? I’m finishing the book “Red Badge of Courage”. I can see why public school teacher think it is good reading for young people. I would have found it trite even as a lad. I doubt I would even have read the comic. There isn’t a boy who doesn’t imagine war as his shortcut to being a hero. This book is no exception, but at least it spells it out that way. I was more interested to learn what happened to the author, in that he tried apparently to duplicate his success with this book. He became a war reporter and died from malaria at 28.
           Along with my musical instruments I moved all my reading material and textbooks. That left me here [back at the old place] with light reading, youTube, and the daily crossword. I like documentaries, which I usually download and watch during quiet periods. I watched “The Red Queen”. I wanted to see any footage of Palenque, but instead it went on about the significance of finding a female. Honestly, you film-makers, must you always blow these things out of proportion. No, it does not elevate the status of women today. You get paid what you are worth.

           This photo is Sunday afternoon at the Limestone Country Club. Note the dog, the younguns, the tree with flowers, and the obligatory fat old guy playing guitar. We stayed overlong, that was one hot spell, and I spent the last dollar I had on ice cold beers for the house. (Y'know, I've spent my last dollar like that before, but under opposite circumstances.) If we had run out of gas, it would have been an awfully long walk. We drove through Fort Green, Ona, Arcadia, and environs on this leg of the journey. The scenic route is only 20 miles further by the time you get to South Bay.

           I just finished watching the video on Palenque. It is not as impressive as Chichen Itza, I’ve been to both and it is as ridiculous to think the present day inhabitants of the area are the same peoples—any more than anyone who has been to Cairo would hardly consider them the descendants of the Pharaohs.
           No, no, something changed. The present day occupants are the offspring of whomever wandered in and filled the vacuum once the empire collapsed. “Oh look, Otzi, there’s some empty mud huts beside that stone thing.” Then again, any visitor to Massachusetts or Delaware would hardly consider the current occupants the issue of the geniuses who founded the Republic.

           By twelve hours later, I remain discombobulated. That does not stop me from planning, another of my favorite activities. You actually get good at it after a while, say 40 years, when it is too late. But I can give you a strong hint. I’ve long noticed that people who plan by the week get into more hot water than those, like myself, who plan by the year. You know what I mean, people who don’t think about the rent until the week it is due. I used to plan by the month when I was young, but found even that was not good enough.
           Here’s JZ taking a box of tools out to the truck. We are the type that never co-mingle tools, so we get along great that way. Um, but may I mention when you do borrow a tool, it should be treated better than your own. Ahem. This photo shows the walkway between boxes piled to the walls. There are probably 90 crates of my gear in this now confined area. Unpacking will be a month long job, even if I wasn’t renovating the back room.

           JZ has been an immense help all the way with this project. That’s not standard procedure, you know. He is under no obligation to even show up. But he knows I would do the same, and besides, we did plan to renovate something to flip it. Which brings up another topic. The competition.
           Now that we are scoping the area for a place for JZ, we are better positioned to learn who is doing what. There are around five individuals buying houses, sitting on them a few months and flipping them. I’m surprised such people stay in business, but then I remember that Americans who buy houses are not spending their own money, so they don’t care. The difference with my place is we are putting in real, top-quality improvements. I do not know if that would carry over to flipping something. Is it maybe a lesson we have not yet learned?
           The second group also buying are the landlords. Most any house anywhere in the entire area makes a good rental. The structures were built before the 1960s building boom, so there are plenty of places that can be subdivided and rented by the room. However, prices are again out of my league, so unless another steal comes along, don’t expect miracles.
           The good news is that the flippers and renters are avoiding houses that need any major work. Yeah, I would consider ripping up the floor a major event in that context. We’ll probably get back to you on this one. I also know JZ does not want to miss out on what is happening, considering that the quality of life in Miami gets worse with each wave of cultural enrichment. Right how, this new house is the only place we have to retreat if anything goes wrong. And it only has clear fields of fire on three sides.

           Now wide awake, I reviewed the case of the Germans faking an attack by Poles on a radio station to justify invading that country. My conclusion is that it is the case that is fake. Germany did not need any excuse to invade. Poland had been flexing its muscles for years, backed up by French and British guarantees of military assistance if it was attacked. And behind that, in 1938, Roosevelt had already given assurances to Churchill that the US would assist in any war against Germany. How often do people hear that Germany is universally bad before they begin to question the source?
           Most people who “hate” Germany for “starting World War II” have never heard of Bromberg. I don’t know what really happened there, but my point is most people in the west have not heard of the place. The Polish Army was certain they could defeat Germany quickly. My conclusion is based on fact, that when Germany “attacked” Poland, it met with minimal resistance. While the Polish army was massed on the borders, it was most certainly not there to defend anything. There were no anti-tank ditches, no fortresses, no trenches. This army was there to attack and were hoping the war would start in the west first.
           Furthermore, there is a stigma attached to even questioning the “official” version. The Wiki account is one of the most pro-Zionist articles ever written, which instantly raises suspicion of its origin. Wiki states that the photos carried by the German press of the massacre were cropped. Hmmm, so is every photograph above. Here, take a look at the original. According to Wiki, this is evil—but only if “they” don’t like you. It helps not that they won't specify who "they" are.

Last Laugh
(Miami Mona)

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