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Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17, 2016

One year ago today: July 17, 2015, “old people smell”.
Five years ago today: July 17, 2011, NASA defunded?
Nine years ago today: July 17, 2007, I dump Trump.
Random years ago today: July 17, 2008, the mysterious MegaByte Café.

           Y’know, JZ had never heard of Armed Forces Radio, or of phone-in radio sales. But he found the seafood buffet uptown. He’s about to show them the meaning of “all you can eat”. I did not want JZ up on that roof, but he went aerial anyway. Shown here are the low hanging branches that had been too close to the roof. I raked the yard and hatcheted all the plants from around the perimeter to allow for the termite tent. The pre-inspection is done.
           Look at the dead leaves in the valley of the roof. This will often give a hint as to the age of the shingles. And you have to get rid of this buildup because red ants like it. We had none, but discovered the roof is considerably older than it appears from the ground. I’d say close to 40 years old. A lot like the women I’ve been dating lately.

           By noon, I had all the wind damaged branches and leaves off the front yard anyway. We learned the city will take away large amounts of yard debris because of frequent windstorm. (I have not yet lived in that house during such a storm.) So JZ immediately devises a way to throw away old drywall by burying in in a box topped with leaves. Ha!
           Then again, he tells me, and I’m not denying it’s true, that he knows people who, when they fumigate their house, charge the neighbors a fee to stack their furniture in the rooms to get the gas. And the fumigator told me that it was tear gas. There’s so much I do not know.

           By now, everybody is tired out, so we went back to Wendy’s for Sunday brunch. I worked the crossword, but JZ found it to be too cold inside, so he came back later. Do you think he hit that seafood place? Hardee-har-har. It is nice enough to hear church bells on Sunday morning. Instead of sirens. It is neat, the city is so small everybody knows who lives in what house. But no movie theater. I don’t like that.

Wiki picture of the day.
Oats and barley.

           That’s JZ up on the roof, using the machete, just left of center We opted against spending $84 for a pole saw (electric). I repeatedly cautioned him to slow down, to no avail. Eventually, we’ll need one, I mean just look at those trees. That’s enough for one weekend, I say. So I finally talked him down off that roof. He confirms the shingles will need replacing in my lifetime.
           You know, there is enough space left on the northeast end of the property to add a complete bedroom with bathroom, but that is wild speculation. The majority of this renovation is that new bathroom and the plumbing. I wisely brought my guitar back this time. The back room is completely stripped down to the studs and the I’ve devised a way to fix those warped floor joists working by myself. I’ve been staying up late to study the electrical code, and this building has been Mickey Moused, some of the outlets and sockets were just attached to the gyproc.

           Although tons of work got done this trip, no shop talk allowed on the way home as we are weary and argumentative over just around everything this trip, mostly over safety issues. I don’t believe anything is worth the risk if a few dollars will make things safe again. You’ll hear more of electrical wiring and circuits. We are rapidly approaching that phase and it has to be done before I finish the insulation. I don’t plan on leaving that until winter, I can assure the reader.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Belarus State Police: Peace, 2013. For arresting a one-armed man for clapping. This can’t happen in America because we have so many movies and TV shows to convince us the police are heros. Until they come for you.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++


           We got finished a little early and took the scenic route, old Highway 37. It’s nice scenery once you get old enough to appreciate it. This brought us to the Limestone Country Club, Limestone, Florida. Yep, same place you heard about not too much earlier. A memorable stop, but dang, just too far from anything to patronize. We met the owner and his crop of kids, played and sang some music, got the story of the area.
           JZ says the area has lots of potential for fishing. My interest stops at it having a lot of nice small lakes to look at. We passed at least fifteen lakes and large ponds along the way. Fishing is not my idea of a hobby, but I could be talked into it. JZ is constantly amazed by how I can find my way all around small country back roads after being there only once. Well, old pal, in my day I had to walk them.

           On the way back we first heard of the trouble in France. Typically, the French did nothing but blame themselves, which is probably the most accurate approach here. Then they declare three days of national mourning, that will show them bad guys. And call out their army to protect their churches on Sunday, which is the Dien Bien Phu mentality all over again.
           And Turkey. What’s with that? I dunno, I thought that is how governments got into power in that part of the world, so no panic for me. Europe, however, is a basket case. They have this collective guilt that will drown them in their own stupidity. You think they’d look at the world and realize that over the entire course of history, there is only one race that has ever produced a surplus. That ability, racial or not, should be carefully protected. Not squandered by a few generations of feel-good Liberalism.
           Ah, but that is how Liberals survive. They slowly bleed of that surplus by never taking enough to cause a backlash from people who otherwise have better things to do. But like Molyneaux asks, what will happen the day that surplus is gone and the Europeans have to compete with immigrants for basics.
           All I know is I’ll be 200 further miles away. These immigrants, migrants, whatever, have learned that the Europeans won’t fight back. But how long is that going to last? From what I see, there are already enough people who would like to see Angela Merkel hung by the neck. She’s got police protecting the invaders and beating up the defenders.

Last Laugh

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