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Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 6, 2016

One year ago today: October 6, 2015, fifteen flavors of vanilla.
Five years ago today: October 6, 2011, how verdicts are determined . . .
Nine years ago today: October 6, 2007, ghosting a hard drive.
Random years ago today: October 6, 2012, I hid it in a Bible.

           Yep, the fan was $360 in total and the tire will be another $170. Good morning. I was into the shop by 8:00AM. That’s 38 miles from here through the morning rush hour, so give me a little praise here. And the repair took all day. The only relentless part of the storm called Matthew is the TV coverage. Where are these 130mph winds that were supposed to be arriving by now? The town is shut down for tomorrow regardless. So, I’m stuck here until probably Saturday or Monday with inadequate supply of everything from computer access to clean clothes.
           I was in Hollywood all day to get things done before the afternoon downpour begins and get back to the condo to batten the hatches. There is no evidence of a storm yet, making me wonder if it missed the boat. Ha, get it, oh never mind. Here is the French swap meet, a vacant lot. They have to clear out of the area at the slightest hint of inclement weather. Strange, however, that this time they are moving even the anchored storage containers. Anyway, that is the Mardis Gras casino in the left background.

           We stayed home last night feasting on pork chops. For a guy who watches TV, he has no cable. Just those home shopping shows and a constant supply of old westerns.

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile in Russia.
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           His A/C guy has still not shown up. So I took the bracket off the back of the A/C unit to show JZ how the thing is wired. It is done right, so the problem is not the circuitry. It looks like (by default) that brand new motor he just put in during 2013. It sits there and sputters. It is one of the worst designs ever because to replace that motor, most of the entire assembly as to be taken out. Like how I had to pull my Honda motor last time to replace my alternator.
           The city was shut down by 3:30 in the afternoon. No storm in sight. It is cooler than usual with a slight westerly breeze. And an eerie silence. We made rice and pork chops and I read yet another 200 page Jacques Costeau book. You know, JZ doesn’t like Costeau and he’s got some good reasons about that. I just like the nature shows, I don’t care for old Jacques’ writing myself. But the photos are usually nice. He does have an eye for that.

           Myself, I have an eye for Kylie Minogue. One day I’ll figure out what it is she actually does for a living. I hope it isn’t those pseudo-rap Millennial music videos she’s grinding out by the dozen. Anyway, I like the say she looks these days. She’s not exactly the next Juice Newton, but then, neither is Juice Newton


           Here we are still waiting for Hurricane Matthew. As usual, the television stations go berserk with the hype. "If this storm can move the ocean, just imagine what it can do to your lawn furniture".
           You get a nothing post today because nothing happened. In fact, I think the high point of today was this post itself. This is life in Miami unless you are rich, and often it is just as boring if you are rich and lack imagination. There's a lot of that in Miami-Dade, too.

           I'm safely ensconced inside JZ's third floor condo. Here is a picture of the "big storm" from his balcony. Matthew was the non-event of the decade, but don't worry, we'll be hearing from those fake "Haiti Relief Funds" for the next ten weeks. I made this picture as nice as possible so you can see for yourself how violent a television hurricane can be.

Last Laugh

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