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Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7, 2016

One year ago today: October 7, 2015, Paypal sucks.
Five years ago today: October 7, 2011, a 555 circuit.
Nine years ago today: October 7, 2007, ysabellabrave?
Random years ago today: October 7, 2013, bunch of liars anyway.

           The best thing about the weather is there isn’t any. Don’t believe that doo-doo about this being the eye of the hurricane. We didn’t pass through any of the storm to get to the center. Thanks to all the scare tactics, I planned to stay until tomorrow morning because today was supposed to be the brunt of the big Category Four Matthew. Instead, it was Category Zero. But all the shops were closed and now I cannot get the replacement rear tire for the batbike.
           If I don’t get that tire by Saturday, I cannot leave until Monday. And I was only equipped to crash here for four days. Not a week. Let me explain something, JZ and I are social opposites. About all we share is an interest in women and the process of going looking for them. This is not made any easier by the fact that all women in South Florida over 24 are looking for a free ride.

           This weird object is a pumpkin. It looks like it is covered with warts. Once you get past all the jokes, this was about the only food left on most store shelves. They made a killing on the panic buying this season. Unless you like Halloween food, there wasn’t much left by the time the last stores closed at 2:00 in the afternoon—long after it was evident the storm had missed.

           We still had to batten the hatches, just in case. The fan motor is still shot on JZ’s air conditioner, but the hurricane presence is enough to cool the air a good ten degrees, so the place was habitable with a box fan and the balcony left open. You know, fancy area and all, JZ’s condo is only eight years newer than my house. Therein, the similarity ends. Since he’s near Dadeland Mall there is not one parking spot left for miles around and the Mall can be a dangerous neighborhood. The area if full of empty condos and they are still building more.
           Although mostly in the mornings, there is traffic and construction noise. What really gets me is that A/C unit. He gets it repaired to the standards set by the condo association yet it never seems to give more than several years of continual good service. I took off the cover and tested all the connections to determine it is the motor, which he just had replaced in 2013. The whole A/C business in Miami has something a little off.

           We still had to batten the hatches, just in case. The fan motor is still shot on JZ’s air conditioner, but the hurricane presence is enough to cool the air a good ten degrees, so the place was habitable with a box fan and the balcony left open. You know, fancy area and all, JZ’s condo is only eight years newer than my house. Therein, the similarity ends. Since he’s near Dadeland Mall there is not one parking spot left for miles around and the Mall can be a dangerous neighborhood. The area if full of empty condos and they are still building more.
           Although mostly in the mornings, there is traffic and construction noise. What really gets me is that A/C unit. He gets it repaired to the standards set by the condo association yet it never seems to give more than several years of continual good service. I took off the cover and tested all the connections to determine it is the motor, which he just had replaced in 2013. The whole A/C business in Miami has something a little off.
           Matthew, the non-storm of the decade. And here I am, stuck in south Miami, out $530 in motorcycle repairs in an apartment with no air conditioning. I can think of better things. Allow me to mention, I do miss home. See how quickly I adapt to a new place. I’ve only lived there a month and I miss it. Miami will always remind you of how noisy third-world people are. Worse, the tire shop was also closed and did not deliver my new tire. This is no good, since you will never get any work out of those people on a Saturday, either.
           Mind you, the weather is perfect. I arrived at the shop to find this note on the door. No tire until Monday. That’s a wasted 68 mile trip that I had to take the chance. The good news is I’m back on the program with the free heart medicine.

Picture of the day.
Annual tomato festival, Spain.
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           It was so dead, I walked over to Dunkin to work the crossword this afternoon. The concern is if he cannot get that A/C fan replaced before this non-hurricane passes and the tropical weather returns, the condo is going to be one of those Korean torture boxes. Not that JZ is all that keen on routine maintenance but I’d like to know why the short life on these motors. Here’s where I get to tell on JZ. Did you know there are broken tiles in his bathroom since I first saw them 15 years ago? And the florescent bulbs in the kitchen have been out for over 10 years. There is a hole in the balcony screen that would be 8 years now. A classic example of the shoemaker’s old shoes.
           This picture is a Miami goof who makes the blog for being a total inconsiderate bastard. Shopping from the checkout counter, he blocked the express line for a good ten minutes, you know the type. After the clerk rings him out, he decides me want a pack of gum, then fumbles with four or five credit cards to find one that still has enough left on it to pay. Take your time, you Cuban prick, it’s not like there’s a hurricane nearby or anything.

           That’s one of the reasons I’m glad I’m out of Miami. I’ve told you before, the town gives the edge to the stupid and the lazy because they are the majority. We’ve all been in situations where one jerk can force the whole room to be jerks or lose their place in line. Miami is that condition a hundred times over.
           I took the Honda 250 (Fusion) around to find a coffeeshop. I don’t like those new Dunkin places that are not open 24/7. I settled for MacDonald’s and a crossword puzzle. I’d invited JZ but while I was out most of last day, he reports he fell back asleep in the daytime heat of the apartment. That means he banked nearly 30 hours of sleep since noon y’day. I’ve got less than 6 hours in the same time thanks to the broken A/C. I was lucky to find any thing open. Everything else is closed. Including all libraries, stores, schools, and the pubs. Sorry, JZ, but don’t worry about me, I don’t usually go out on Fridays. Even the ones like this with ideal weather. Matthew, my eye. Get it? My eye?

           Hurricane or no, it is Friday and we are going out chasing women. With JZ’s aversion to motorcycles, we decided to walk over to World of Beer. That’s one of those microbreweries that advertise 100 brands of beer but none of them are Budweiser. JZ states that’s because if they did, they’d have to sell people bottle of it for $3.50 instead of the six bucks they charge for their candy beers. You know, like candy coffee at Starbucks. Flavored with licorice, strawberry, or whatever other artificial concoction you flag off on these no-brainer Millennials.
           So, with the tip, a round at that joint is $14. That’s normally my entire budget for going out all night. This is in that Kendall strip of land in that triangle where Kendall and Dixie diverge. It was a couple of used car lots and strip joints until they decided it needed condos. And more condos. Condos up the ying-yang. Which sounds too much like the Yeung-Ling beer I was drinking because there was no Budweiser. So we crossed the street to a place called “Lime”, where they pretended they didn’t know that Bud was the top-award winning beer in the country for the last 125 years—and the waiters are really pushy.

           About this time, I admonish JZ for not having an idea where the ordinary pubs are in his own neighborhood. Because I could not continue walking around trying to find one and no, I’m not even going to be seen walking into a stripper joint. I got two brothers who live in those filthy places but I’ve explained that is their only hope of seeing a variety of naked women in their lives. So JZ is defending his lack of knowing his own back yard when we notice we are standing right in front of a sort of pub. We went in and sure enough, it was close enough. Five bucks a beer.
           I had a few and went home, leaving JZ there to chase after the middle-aged women. I walked home, read another Jacques Costeau book and fell asleep so deep I never heard JZ rolling in at 2:00 AM.

Last Laugh

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