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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9, 2016

One year ago today: November 9, 2015, a place called Palatka.
Five years ago today: November 9, 2011, the Pistachio Effect.
Nine years ago today: November 9, 2007, another guitar player—technically.
Random years ago today: November 9, 2010, on Internet authoring.

           Trump is in and there was never any doubt around here. Trent and I called it a year ago. The only way the establishment could have stopped him is by dirty tricks and you can’t say they didn’t try. I tuned in to CBS to listen to the sob-stories from the Clinton side. How she held back tears, blah, blah. How Obama will “do his best” to make the transition of power smooth. All about how the losers feel, how the public let them down. Not a single word on the triumph of Trump. But I did say it was CBS, so the bias was expected.
           Trump, don’t fall for it one bit. These jokers are no friends of yours and you’d best watch for a Bush or Clinton fast one, that last minute pardon to all the jackasses who can do you and America the most harm.

           Announce now that you will arbitrarily undo every move Obama makes between now and January, regardless of his stated intentions. Bad leaders are sore losers, so of course he wants a “smooth transition” so you don't throw him in jail as well. For treason. Cancel every amnesty in the past twenty years. Tell the police they can be hard on illegals, but go soft on Americans, no more of this bullshit equal treatment. Citizen’s rights do not attach to non-citizens.
           How can you tell whose a non-citizen? Simple, begin by targeting anything that doesn’t look like it was born here and you’ll be right 70% of the time. Of course, they’ll play the race card. What else have they got? Can’t speak English? That’s your first clue. Start on the wall immediately and begin cutting federal funds to any agency, city, or faction that aids or abets illegals. Calexit? Who cares, California sucks anyway. It’s a rat’s-nest of leftover failed hippies, a den of Libtards with every third person on some kind of handout.

           And don’t buy those “acceptance” speeches. Hillary and gang have no intention of working with you, these people were breathing down your neck for the last year and their congratulations are PC protocol, nothing more. She doesn’t want to go to jail, so don’t let her platitudes distance her from the evil she’s done. The reader should be reminded I am not a Trump supporter, I am an America first advocate. Like Ann Coulter. Let’s quit asking what is good for immigrants and start asking what is good for Americans.
           Sure, it could be said we were once a nation of immigrants. We were also once a nation of farmers and Englishman, but nobody really wants to be either any more. Time for the backward people of this nation to grow up and face reality. Welfare is bad and it should be turned over to the churches. Nobody should be allowed past the gate unless they are already self-supporting.

           I was amused to see one of the first foreign leaders to congratulate Trump was Canada’s Trudeau. That’s called eating crow, Justin, you bloody hypocrite. It’s not like we don’t know your economy was based on biased trade deals and that you had meetings scheduled with Clinton advisors on the presumption she’d win. If Trump insists on fair and competitive trade deals, Canada is going down. You may be the most developed Third World country on the planet but that’s not going to save you again. Vive Alberta Libre!
           The bottom line here is when a candidate succeeds in spite of the total opposition of the establishment, it is a grass roots affair and that usually means sweeping changes. Any sober look at the situation shows American has had a rotten political class for forty years. Catering to the corporations and establishing their own dynasties. Time to clean house. Don’t just stop it, begin to dismantle it. Term limits. No welfare until third generation. Moratorium on non-white immigration. Cut off welfare until they self-deport. And no more immigration from the Caribbean areas, ever. They’ve had a hundred years to clean up their act if they were ever going to.
           Stop funding the UN, no more foreign aid, no more foreign wars. Our allies? Send ‘em the bill. No more money to Israel, let them borrow to survive, their bankers know all about conning people into that vicious circle. Out with the Space Station, clamp down on NASA by telling Mars by 2021 or pack your things. Wrest control of the marketplace from the bureaucrats and return it to the public.

           Fix the system so you cannot thrive here unless you speak English. Quit giving unskilled immigrants free housing, welfare, and food stamps. That takes away their incentive to assimilate and they form ghettos. Why should they get a job when you white people are dumb enough to give them free medical, education, and cable TV. You think they want to become as stupid as you? Why should they even bother to learn your language when they don’t need it?
           It’s the beginning of a new era. And we’ll be watching closely. For me, that is the first time in my life I paid attention to anything even resembling politics. Then again, now I have something to protect.

           Incidentally, the rule that says real estate ads can’t specify the racial mix of a neighborhood cost me $510 in the year following Deland. A wasted pile of money since there was never any chance of me moving into a neighborhood full of people who do not share my work ethic.
           I know a lot about living near people who do not respect private property. Why should you have something they don’t just because you worked for it? You’re lucky you got a good job and you should be happy to share every last thing you have in the world. With the likes of them. Take this wagon with pneumatic tires. This shiny wagon. With the nice new coat of varnish. The tooth fairy came by and supplied the varnish and labor for free, you know. She’s in the kitchen right now cleaning the brush.

Picture of the day.
Bryce Canyon.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           [Author’s note: I am encountering some new type of feature that blocks links to some pictures. The picture address appears to change within 24 hours. This is a bigger challenge than simply hacking the code. Give me a few days to determine it if is worth cracking. It is a completely different system than stale links that go dead. The new links redirect you to advertising, one more proof that Millennial coders are sucks.
           I stick by my advice--if you don't want something copied, don't post it on the Internet.]

           I listened to Trump’s acceptance speech, he knows he’s had the establishment bastards on the run since day one. He thanked some pretty obscure people, but I will suppose they did a mass of ground work. However, he did not thank me for providing so much advance material to whichever one of his writers was following this blog. Remember, my suspicions of plagiarism are not founded on topics, they are based on the order and timing under which the topics appear.
           Let’s get back to what is important around here. The activities at ground level that really make up the true backbone of America. I finally broke down and bought that leaf blower. It was dark before I had opportunity to test it. Meanwhile enjoy this Dali painting titled something like “Atmospheric Skull Sodomizing a Grand Piano”. The guy had talent, nobody said he had taste.

           Face it, that guitar player isn’t calling back. So, I’m back to square one. Either I play guitar myself, or continue with the disappointments. It’s a fact of life, these people cannot learn to play guitar without imagining themselves the hero. A lot of perfectly good talent gets wasted on people who haven’t the brains to use it. I’ve explained how many false starts I’ve had on learning the guitar myself, but you know, I don’t think I pointed out that each time I get back to it, none of the previous work is lost. I pick up right where I left off.
           I fully admit mostly what is holding me back is that I’m a lousy guitar player. I keep forgetting, so was Johnny Cash. I’ve certainly had the years to learn better if I’d ever put my mind to it. That, plus every guitar player in the venues I like is ten times better than me. Well, not every. You should have heard this Millennial in Ybor City last week. He was so bad we wondered if it was part of his act.

           Time is important as well. It takes me around twice as long to learn tune on guitar than on bass, yet there is no comparison. The bass part will be perfect where the way I play guitar, I should be able to fake it in ten minutes. Why am I so self-conscious about guitar work? There are truly excellent bands (and I’ve already seen most of the locals already) but not one of them can catch me when it comes to audience-oriented entertainment value. Probably because you cannot learn that at Guitar Center.
           That’s correct, every local band is about musicianship, and some are damn good. Not one has made any concessions toward interacting with the audience. It’s like listening to the Hippie. The guitar part is perfect—if he was in the original band. But some guys cannot tell a joke. They think they can, but no. Myself, I know that I can’t play the guitar.

           I’ve decided not to wait for help on the floor. This is the 4”x4” that I’ve chosen to bolt together to create a base for the jacks. This will be laminated into a rectangular block around 16” on each edge. Note the coat of varnish. Do you need any varnish? Are you sure? The plan is to rest this on the sandy soil to spread the pressure over a larger area. While driving around town, I saw dozens of residences with settling problems more severe than my place, so we can assume there are places that have been leveled much like I’m doing. If so, none of the efforts have been permanent, so I won’t knock myself out.
           The answer would be to pour a new foundation, but that would cost more than the house. I’ll content my self to a solution that will last twenty more years without too much of the problem returning. If things continue like they are, then it will be somebody else’s $100,000 task.
           Say, I wonder what the election will do to the Canadian housing bubble? I know people who moved there and bought. International sources say the housing is overpriced y 63%. A market correction could drop prices by 2/3rds, wiping out both their middle class and their working class. Such as those ever really existed in a British system, I mean.

           The situation remains similar in America, though the worst seems over. Millions of boomers in the 60-70 year age range trying to sell their houses at inflated prices to a workforce that has no jobs that can possibly pay such prices. It must be an awful prospect to sell a house that cost hundreds of thousands of precious after-tax dollars at a loss. Last day I linked to my own calculations that a $300,000 house would cost over $1,000,000 in thirty years, but think of how much you would have to earn to have that much after taxes. That’s a lot of eggs in one basket. And a lifetime of wasted money. But, fifty million boomers can’t be wrong. Or that’s what they thought.

           Here’s a tool made for the job. This high tech instrument is designed to clear the debris away from the sandy base beneath the house, seen in the background. A lot of leaves and twigs wind up in the way as the building has no skirt or apron to stop the wind. The implement has a custom chokecherry handle. And it’s varnished.
           I’m reading “The Case of the Rose”, which more than one person has told me is tough reading. The author has translated other works. This is the first one I’m reading, but I don’t know if the prologue is fact or fiction. It states the story is a translation of a 1342 A.D. original. It is difficult to follow because the language is similar to many old tales which focus on details that don’t concern the plot.
           Details like how the architecture of the building allows the morning sun to wake the monks, and the name the Abbot would call his horse, if he had one. It is a murder mystery and since you will unlikely ever read this book, I will give away the plot. An apprentice-like priest is traveling with a skinny old monk who predicts airplanes and submarines. This is in the time of Bacon, where there was so little knowledge in the world, it was possible for a man to know all of it.

           They arrive at a monastery that (I think) is shaped like a pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. The head guy has a problem. One of his monks is dead at the foot of a tower. It looks like suicide, but there are two problems with that. The only window he would have had to jump from was closed from the inside, and someone has told a secret that cannot be revealed. Therefore, our hero has been asked to uncover the truth independently. And I’ve only gotten to page 14.
           I gather the library at the monastery will be a huge factor in the murder. It is not open to anybody, only the librarian knows where each book is located. He brings them out one at a time to a reader, often seeking permission of the Abbot. (I think they mean Abbot when they refer to him as “Abo”.) The library floor plan is a labyrinth to confuse anyone who breaks in. The reason the library is locked is because, as every good Catholic knows, books can also be written by “Jews, pagans, and infidels”.
           Thus, the Abbot explains, laypeople and monks require that someone with “firm and holy” convictions decide for them what books they are allowed read. Even truths, he adds, are not for everyone. (Where have we heard that before?) And he’s got a point. Books by Daniel Steele and Dean Koontz should indeed be kept under lock and key.

           I’m also learning much about the seamier side of Catholic history. I knew there were times when two Popes existed, but now I know why. They were appointed by factions each with a claim to the thrones who sought the endorsement of the Church. I learned that to join a monastery was a safer proposition than trying to leave one. It’s had the same penalties as leaving the Mafia. There was some rough treatment of sects who believed in poverty because there was no proof in the scriptures that Jesus owned anything substantial. The Pope considered such talk heretical. It implied the Church, too, should be poor.
           The time is around 1318 A.D., with many monks and scholars on the run. A string of Popes has been burning people at the stake. The only place for them to hide out is in other monasteries who for various reasons don’t exactly obey any of the Popes verbatim. More often these monasteries are based on old ruins or castles that could withstand a siege and consider themselves a repository of knowledge as well as religion.
           So there is a part of history I don’t know. Has anyone ever besieged a monastery, I mean other than marauding Turks and barbarians. I mean to attack a monastery in order to destroy the place as an act of law or war. Has this ever happened and if so, why are there no famous incidents. I may look this up given time.

Last Laugh

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