One year ago today: November 10, 2015, a bar in Naples.
Five years ago today: November 10, 2011, beware the soy sauce.
Nine years ago today: November 10, 2007, my last eBay purchase.
Random years ago today: November 10, xxxx, WIP
This is the most distinctive sculpture at the Southeastern University, much resembling the 1940s concept of the invading Martian spacecraft. I took some time framing this photograph hoping you, the viewer, will conclude I have some knack for it. I spent three hours on my own landscaping, using a leaf blower for the first time in my life. You heard me right. Let’s just say it is pretty low tech and people who do that for a living are being paid what they are worth.
So for me it is already chain saws, hedge trimmers, and leaf blowers. It had to happen sooner or later. Three bags of leaves and I cleaned up the part of the neighbor’s yard facing my place. That’s as far as my extension cords reach. On the topic of tools, I have some comments.
I got taken on the $54 vacuum. It sounds great, there is good suction when you put your hand over the nozzle, but otherwise, there is something just wrong with it. You’d think a shop vac would dispatch of all dust right away, but this one you have to go over and over the floor and direct the tube right on sawdust before it picks up.
I’m going to look at the Harbor Freight chain saw sharpener, which costs almost as much as the chain saw. It appears to be a disk that sharpens the prongs one by one. Don’t I recall from when I was a kid there was a chain saw sharpener that worked by simply running the saw backwards or something. What is it I’m thinking of there? As for the leaf blower, there is really only one speed and that is full blast. It works best on dry new leaves, but I used it to loosen up the mats around the tree trunks.
Next, some studies on budget allocation. I see building the porch would come in at roughly the same cost and only six [projected] more hours of labor as the shed. For now, the shed wins out as my priority is to store stuff out of the house and a separate lockable hobby area. I also have zero hours experience on foundations and I’d like at least ten hours before I tackle the porch. I’ve really inquired into porch technology and I want mine done right. For instance, there are special ledger board screws that are warranted to be better than lag bolts.
And my circular driveway. It would rest a good half foot higher than the roadway unless I want to do some major digging. The laser shows to trench the concrete the recommended four inches deep even then involves moving a lot of sand. But once you’ve had a circular driveway, nothing else cuts it. There is plenty of room for a circular driveway and two permanent parking spots on each side of the main building.
South Australian coast.
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Before we continue, here’s a picture of a box of cookies. That’s to keep things cheery as winter approaches, my first winter in 17 years that might actually experience frost. In which case, I’ll have plenty of hot cocoa and cookies. These are the cheapest driest brand on the market, even cheaper than ginger snaps. But this has no GMOs, giving it a higher rating than any cookie made in America these days. Most US brands also use HFCS which is another no-no around here. So, now I have a surplus of cookies. Cookies and varnish. Both have to be used up once you open the container, you know.
How’s the book, “The Case of the Rose” progressing? I’ve gotten to page 70 (of 500) and it is complicated reading. But needlessly complicated. So many passages about Catholic concerns that nobody knows or cares about, like the quotations in Latin. Nope, I do not recommend this unless you want a general rehashing of history from the standpoint of monks. But if you are like me and find in the story a disclosure of facts highly embarrassing organized religion in general, it’s worth it. You will still have to draw your own conclusions, the book doesn’t do that for you.
I did not know the, what’s the word, incredible? Yes, the incredible emphasis the church placed on the artwork around the margins in old bibles. You know, where the first letter is an elaborate depiction of grapes and leaves and serpents. A monk’s reputation could falter on how well he drew zebra-striped dragons, monkeys with stag horns, armless men, birds with fishtails, two-headed chimeras, manticores, zoomorphic dwarfs, and gryphons whose tails bent forward to become bows for burning arrows.
Allow me to stress it is the emphasis that is incredible, not the artwork nor the concept. Other than the few imaginary creatures, most of the beings are nothing more than combinations of existing animals. I don’t find that very original and never have. They are too repetitive and made to order. A dragonfly with a lizard snout, ho-effing-hum. You’re going to have to do a thousand times better than that to mystify me.
The plot so far is dragging along. The main characters appear to be a traveling monk named Michael and his unnamed assistant, who is writing the story. The monk that died falling from the tower is Anselmo. There are lengthy discussions with other monks with names like Severnius, all of whom are ghastly old and on the run from some brand of prosecution. As with religion today, they cannot talk about anything in depth except how they believe better than you do. And if you make a point, it is because you have forgotten something very important which they know and you don’t. The old “Yes, but” tactic of college teens.
Next, I reviewed the trust documents upon hearing about several states pushing for legislation that blocks people from leaving all their property to a spouse or offspring with a simple will. Your will is not your final word because it can be overridden by all kinds of legal technicalities. There’s a radio ad about the single man with an IRA and life insurance who remarried a year before his death. In his will, he left all to his new wife, thinking that included the IRA and the insurance.
Nope. Unless you change those to specifically name the wife as recipient and benefactor, those items go into your estate. They are subject to taxes and creditor claims before the balance, if any, is passed to the heir. Plainly, the states are conspiring to get their hands on estates by this despicable method. Obviously, the average person thinks their final testament overrides all legal technicalities. So much for the integrity of the system, which knows damn well what people want but can’t leave that alone.
Ha, did you see that kerfufflle over the teens who chanted, “Build That Wall”. It went viral. You’d think the Libtard teaching staff would praise the students for assertive self-expression. Instead, they vowed to “discipline” those who could be identified. Mr. Trump, wrest control of the education system away from these closed-minded sissy propagandists.
The Liberals continue to lose their grip. They had scads of people convinced that being called “raciss” was the worst fate possible. Yeah, well the stigma is evaporating. It will be fun to see how contorted they become on that one. You see, Mexican not a race. The law kicks out illegals and if they happen to be Mexican, that is secondary. It’s the people who point out they are Mexicans that are racists for noticing.
Have you heard that song about having no name because he’s “Just A Deportee”. No songs about their victims. Or those politicians stating they will support Trump but will not tolerate bigotry. What’s bigotry? Anything they can shoehorn into their Liberal agenda, that’s what. I’ll say it again, anyone who thinks this is a nation of immigrants should be forced to walk through a Miami-Dade welfare office.
This Paul Ryan ass-clown has got to sharpen up. He’s still on about the wall, deportations, and trade deals when in fact those issues are over year old with Trump. Ryan, we’ve heard all your objections, they are not valid and they’ve been overruled. Now put up or shut up. Ryan lacks the brains to recognize the election has put a lid on his arguments. Do you represent the majority, Ryan, or don’t you? You’ve got to love the anti-Trump protests staged by professional paid agitators.
Trump, you are falling for some of the crap. Hillary did not call you to concede a thing or congratulate you. Grin, shake hands, and come down hard on these people. They tried to manipulate the election rules and that’s all you need to know about their characters to hate them. Now they are encouraging riots and working behind your back to disrupt your policies. They are not going to quit and the more of them you can put in prison, the better. They are not your friends and they are no friends of the American public they were milking.
Something triggered my camera at the Terrace restaurant last week, and I got this photo of a fluted column. That reminded me of the fancy ceiling in that place. Stick around a day or two and I’ll find the pictures I took of it. That ceiling is in better condition than my floor.
It got cold, as in below 60°F, so I stayed at the library until closing. I wearied of trying to install my older software on Windows 8 or above and even wearier of the lame attempts by the system to block any hint of free will on the ‘net. Want something translated? Send us your name and birthdate and we’ll translate it for you. Yes, we’ll keep a copy but you are the first person in the universe who EVER complained about that. You got something to hide?
So I literally packed up my old desktop and hauled it to the conference room, where I had hours of unlimited private time to download what I pleased. Older programs often function perfectly and burn right through newer copyright schemes. However, my old computer is maxed out at 2GB RAM, so I have to put up with slow processing. Using the time to review, I see that in my adult life, I have written 921 personal letters. That’s not e-mails or any shortcuts, but actual hand-written or hand-typed personal letters to private individuals. Statistically, that’s 900+ more than the average person in a lifetime.
That is a stat, so don’t conclude too much over it. Probably more than half have been to a few individuals. In my life, I have received less than 10 letters back. I think more like maybe 7 total. Even with e-mails and even amongst people who write back a lot, it’s 12.2 outgoing for every 1 incoming. There are people I have written over 90 letters who have never replied. Careful, all these are statistics that could swing wildly if I change the parameters just a tad.
I downloaded six new tunes, that is new to my act. Including the Cherry Bombs “Kiss” song, and that tiresome “You And Tequila”. Since I only use these versions for learning (fair usage) I’m going to lower the sampling rate. On the fastest wireless systems, I get a type of artifact where the processor can’t keep up. May I say that even if some Millennial comes up with a totally new anti-piracy scheme, which is damn unlikely, even the best of the best only slow me down.
Ha, the Libtard media doesn’t know when to quit. The CBS radio reports all morning have concentrated on Obamie’s “difficulty” giving up power, and coverage of the mini-protests chanting “He’s a Groper” and “Not my president!” But even in the radio, they can’t disguise the size of the crowds at a fraction of your average Trump rally. Furthermore, Mr. Trump, I disagree with your plan for prison terms for illegal re-entrants. Prison time costs money.
Take their DNA and half-castrate them, then dump them back in Mexico. If they show up here again, finish the job. No mercy. If anyone objects, tell them, okay, we’ll be billeting the worse offenders in your spare bedroom. No spare bedroom? Then they’ll share with your daughters. It’s easy to be a Liberal when somebody else is doing the suffering.
Last Laugh
Give this man a medal!
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These gifs are left here for your amusement. They generated a lot of hits.