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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22, 2017

One year ago today: March 22, 2016, seen my whirlagig?
Five years ago today: March 22, 2012, my pills, see it, believe it.
Nine years ago today: March 22, 2008, 38 years since I’ve seen snow.
Random years ago today: March 22, 2005, blackmail by accusation.

           Here I am in S. Florida, taking in the fantastic motorcycle weather and getting my labs done and such. For those who have been watching, this is the medicine you hear about in the news that costs $14,200 per year. I’m not only getting in free, I was the first patient referred to the program. And the treatment has been 100% effective on my since day one. I thought I was the patient driving the furthest for the program until I learned one guy flies in from New York.
           I can’t stick around today, but I can tell you one thing I like about these appointments. They always involve spending time with professional women in uniforms. A guy like me can’t tell you how greatly that is appreciated after a certain age. And to me, every gal in a nursing uniform or scrubs is a professional. Hey, what kind of women do you think I meet playing in a band? The best thing that can be said is at least I still meet them. Hey.
           I just thought over that last paragraph and I would not say to include lady cops or soldiers. So let's reword that to say a uniform that portrays educational training or job responsibility. That's not quite it either, but you know what I mean.

           This photo shows an autoinjector in use. The label says the injection can be made through cloth, such as the material show in here. Myself, I prefer to sterilize the bare skin and proceed much more cautiously.

           There you have it, a terror attack in England. Those Brits, slowest to learn their lessons, are still the fastest learners on that continent, with the exception of the Germans, who are smarter, but their system doesn’t let them use it. The world is not done heaping guilt upon Germany, not by a long shot. Their press is as corrupt at America’s, always angling the news to the left. Every major headline stressed the killer was a “British National”. Possibly they think the victims and their kin must feel so much better after learning that.
           Now don’t you go expecting the press is any better when it comes to home-grown bad guys. You take the Unabomber and the Oklahoma City bomber. Of course, scream the press, these men were crazy. Why, only crazy people would not appreciate the things the government is doing for them. Anybody’d have to be crazy not to trust the system or question the way the system is heading.

Picture of the day.
At the beach, Russia.
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           I stopped by the old club, reminded them of who is boss when that game show with the letters [Wheel of Fortune] comes on, then drove down to Churchill’s to find JZ. He worked late and wasn’t there. Noting the complete absence of women, I had a Budweiser and left. Good, they charge $6 a bottle for it where most places it is $2.50 or $3.00.

One-Liner of the Day:
“If there’s no light at the end
then it isn’t a tunnel.”

           I’m half way through “Tess of the d’Ubervilles” and the plot trajectory has flattened out. It is a classic due to the timelessness of the topic, the fair maiden taken at by the wolves of the world. The writing is still Victorian and I could not find the passage that specifies she got pregnant on that ride home from the market. From the jerk, Alec. They had nerds back then, too. When Tess appears in part two as a single mother, I went back and read the previous segment again, but could not find anything that said or even inferred they had done the wild thing.
           The next thing you know, she’s hired out as a field hand and next thing after that the baby dies. Shel baptizes the child because the parson won’t. Again, unless you read every word one-by-one, it is difficult to follow some of the passages. But the poignancy of the message is always there. I think she makes the baby’s coffin herself and notices on one of the boards a stencil says “Keelwell’s Marmelade”.

           Now she’s left home and hired out as a milkmaid. It’s all women except this preacher’s son who doesn’t want to be a preacher. He’s the gallant sort but on page 119 it says he is wont to prefer Texx to the other milkmaids when it comes to “contemplate contiguous womankind”. For any more, you will have to wait until I get back to my home computer.
           I had bought a roast and left JZ instructions on how to prepare it. I got home long after dark and what a feast. That’s it. I’m dog tired. I just donated blood and white-knuckled it through two hours of Miami multicultural traffic. I don’t feel like typing. And if we make it to the county fair, it won't be until Friday. From reading the story of Tess, I'll know a lot more about farm animals that before. Cows prefer certain milkers and will line up. You can tell by the crop if the chicken has had enough to eat. Those of you who have never been on a farm could benefit by reading the descriptions of Tess's chores.

Last Laugh
Meanwhile in Russia . . .

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