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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017

One year ago today: March 21, 2016, the single mother look.
Five years ago today: March 21, 2012, Disney – run by wimps.
Nine years ago today: March 21, 2008, world’s oldest working DVD player.
Random years ago today: March 21, 2014, 27% are named David.

           I’m in Miami. The land of the clueless guitar player. But this PM, JZ and I are going to the country fair. (No we aren't. He misread the schedule and the fair doesn't begin until Thursday. Be patient, the details will follow.) A delay usually signifies I’m traveling. You know that. I’m ragging on guitarists again because the one who contacted my ad first is turning out to be a bozo. For example, he wants a definition of what I mean by “duo”, and does he expect “acoustic rhythm guitarist” specified in my ad to “just be there to flesh out my act”. He says if so, he would have to charge me by the hour.
           Hmmm, what do you think? Can anyone here think of what else it is that an acoustic guitarist is supposed to do? Should I offer him minimum wage—because that is all any guitarist is worth to me? I have not answered him yet, I think I’ll just let him keep sending me e-mails to see how much of a moron he really is. Quick, where have we seen this kind of guitar player before?

Since I’m on the library computer and the meter is running, here are some excerpts from the actual e-mails so you can decide on your own what I’m up against. Here is the original ad.

           Wanted - acoustic guitar rhythm player. Forming a classic country-based duo. This is a duo ONLY, not the core of a larger group. Object is playing out, not endless recording sessions. This is rhythm strumming position, the music is not guitar-centric, lead players need not apply.

           Now, I’m not sure how many ways such an ad can be misinterpreted, but we’ve got this one yahoo trying his damn-dest. Here are the e-mails I’m getting from this character, along with endless lists of his equipment, which to be is the first sign of a guitar-freak. These quips are redacted from the original, but still pretty close.

>>>>> I am unclear as to what you a wanting to put together. Is this a 5 or 6 piece band to play bars, outdoor concerts etc. or something else?

>>>>> here regarding the guitarist position. I am attempting to understand.

>>>>> If you are looking for someone just to lay down tracks so you have a full solo sound for your act, ie not a gigging duo then unless paid for the time I am not interested

>>>>> If you are looking for a guitarist who would travel to gigs and we would do duo work together and get paid for a gig then I am interested. In other words if you need someone to help fill in your sound I would charge you by the hour.

Picture of the day.
Lake Tahoe, summer.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           What? Is the entire e-mail system down today? No access and you won’t be getting much to read from my usual informants, er, I mean sources. Instead, I keep getting ads for Julie Taymor, the sleaze. You know, people like Taymor are the main reason I am against giving awards of any nature to rich people. She’s done relatively nothing when placed in perspective to the resources lavished upon her. She’s created nothing despite a background of unlimited luxury. Under such circumstances, such people should never be given awards—they should be punished if they don't make something of themselves.

One-Liner of the Day:
“All I’m saying is there is a reason the best love songs
have the word ‘crazy’ in them.”

Last Laugh

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