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Saturday, January 12, 1980

January 12, 1980

           Dropped in to see Pat (my sister). She talked to Wes Gregory, “the Wes Gregory”, yes, there is only one and it looks, uh, encouraging. I hope it goes, as it will be seven years ahead of schedule, rather than the present one and a half.
           Ah, it is so very thrilling to come over that last hill and see good old Calgary. Harry and Gary and Jane (gulp!) and Fritz etc. watched movies, I love this place. They’ve demolished the three properties next door. The guys practiced downstairs.

           Sometimes I wonder how I can live anywhere else with such great friends, but then I think, it has to go on. It’s static(?) an awareness to hear about a place and never go there.
           [Author’s note: Wes was a real estate developer, we invested $6,000 with an adventure to stake out a subdivision. Lost it all, and I will never invest in Canada again, since it was lost due to government interference. For some reason, since the blueprints showed a portion of the land left in a natural state, the law said there had to be a “watercourse”. We looked at the cost. We bailed.
           Harry was a rich kid I met one semester I was in university in Calgary. His father had given him a huge nunnery in the south end, five or six stories, with dozens of rooms and bathrooms. At any given time it was unknown how many people lived there. They had a recording studio in the basement. Calgary isn’t that impressive, but it was the first city I ever was truly in love (Judy M.) and the last city before hitting the Montana border.]