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Thursday, January 17, 1980

January 18, 1980

Segments of this hand-written journal may be supplemented with current information.
This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
Photos are later digital files placed here for decoration unless otherwise noted.

           A lean and . . . Friday, but like the proverbial grasshopper I didn’t sock anything away. I hope RofR is okay yes (?) called. I kept busy most of the day, Donna the Guilford McDonald’s is back. She had tonsilities.
           Rob as ensured a penny. He got ahold of a silver spoon but there was no way to get it appraised and sold. So I gave him a lift: home. (Next word is “ouch” or “over.) He has such a knack for making people feel guilty for his own misfortune. I wish he’d quit that with me, but I accept that as part of being buddies and overlook as much as … He’s lost his license.            It was a quiet evening at home I watched war of the world’s, of a 1950s version with some German dialogue.

           [Author’s note 2025: reading the text from 1980 is a realization how much queers have affected our society. Taken the wrong way, words like buddies were very common at that time. We both like girls only, for clarity.            That silver spoon was another tale from the trailer court. Silver had soared to $40 per ounce (Hunt Brothers) and his mother had given him the spoon. Problem, we did not know where or how to sell it, but it was stamped one ounce. We finally got some guy at a lumber mill to pay us for it, but when I think about it, he was just being nice. He know we were going to the saloon.]

           Gold falls $200 to $650 in one week.