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Wednesday, January 2, 1980

January 2, 1980

           Drove out to New West for coffee, checked the labor offices with Rob, bought my ticket and headed home. I wouldn’t want to be unemployed in this city right now, let me tell you. Just hundreds of people in the [labor] offices and maybe 35-40 jobs, mostly dead end, on the board. Julian (Rob’s brother) said [we had] no work until Monday.
           I’m still after something part-time, I mean, if I can score say a nice house or something before I start university or whatever this fall, it would be worth a few extra hours per day, don’t you think? Upon exhausting my mental energy for the day, I dropped into the Blitz for a few. Met a guy who says he owns a gold mine, no less. He said it was impossible to get anybody in the bush for less than $5,000 per month hese days.
“Listen,” I said, “as a matter of fact, for $4,995 I happen to know . . .”

           [Author’s note: I’ve forgotten what the ticket was for. I did not return to university that fall, instead began to size up the value of similar courses at the college level. New West is a town just 9 miles over the Canadian border north of Washington.]

           This is a picture of 1980 Canadian fashions. You may presume they mean summer fashions.

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