This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
Photos are later digital files placed here for decoration unless otherwise noted.
Had to cut it [the day]short to get my tickets ready for Saturday. I took the car to work, which I dislike doing. The statements came today. The Slush Fund got a few smiles. People just aren’t used to seeing something like that. It’s not bad, considering it started as a joke. Tina sent a note, too.
I should be seeing a very large paycheck soon, or about the 15th. A long day tomorrow. I’ve got to get an ad in the paper for place. I don’t know if I like living in a room only, but is not so much preferences is having a place else to go. A couple grand in cash to ensure make things easier. I wonder the old doc still lives of here. Of course, why would he move?
Incidentally on Saturday last, I sneaked next door to see what this single “Image America” thing was. Whoa, bad divorce city. Hundreds and hundreds of losers looking for somebody to bail them out. I don’t want any of them getting lucky at my expense. I could a picked up this [unknown word] but Jesus, I figure somebody else must need her worse than I do. Seems there may be an opportunity to do some part time log cutting.
[Author’s note 2025: I’d do not recall this club the light vaguely recall some people say he was a great place to meet people. I was new in town and single, but turned out to be half the age of the people in that room, so all chalk this up to my first brush with at old dating clubs. Could be considered my age and circumstance in 1980 but let me tell you I was no more interest than I am today.
All repeated quite often but one of the mistakes I had made when I was younger was to presume that people who had bad experiences learn been benefited from them I think all of us can agree and if that was usable and exuberance. The slush fund was a bank account R of our and I had opened and just to see how fast we could accumulate capital if it came to that. While we did not know was money was useless without the massive infrastructure to utilize it properly within two years every penny and that count had been eaten up by day-to-day living expenses.
One vivid memory I have of this image America place (I think it may have been the lounge at the Blitz) is that the leftover singles in these places were never the ones who kept their youthful good looks. I discovered today that the blitz eventually was converted to a possible for homeless men. I wonder how many of them were patrons on that time I was ever there?]
Here’s a view of the Blitz (Biltmore) in its heyday. It was the first place I have had a drink in Vancouver, British Columbia.