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Thursday, February 7, 1980

February 7, 1980

Segments of this hand-written journal may be supplemented with current information.
This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
Photos are later digital files placed here for decoration unless otherwise noted.

           Late again however Rob and I got driven around. I declare I wish I knew somebody with a car and driver. You see much more as a passenger. This is a house on King Edward Drive for instance. The roof!
           Also there appears to be a little dissension in the ranks and I’m a bit worried also. The boss said he would chauffer me to and fro, gas up it set up in exchange for the truck for the weekend. Okay, but it’s his final chance to make good. I guess Rob’s truck gets repossessed for sure they won’t even consider letting him pay double payments. Tough world.

           [Author’s note 2025: This Rob, whose nickname was Bullshit Bob the one-eyed bandit, was my first job and in the area of. He had a glass eye. Thing is, I have a truck and he didn’t or better explanation he had a truck and he was behind on the payments. In the short run I let him use my truck, but he came to rely on it too much. I cut him off and he was bankrupt in a month. That’s fine because he wound up stinging us for our last paychecks when he went to jail. Live and learn.

           Here’s a ancient photo of the roof I referred to. The house is now designated an historical site. 587 West King Edward Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia.]