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Monday, July 7, 1980

July 7, 1980

Segments of this hand-written journal may be supplemented with current information.
This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
Photos are later digital files placed here for decoration unless otherwise noted.

           So I didn’t work. I drove to New West.. Rob and I went to Lougheed Mall and Burnaby Mall. Etc. Then to ball practice. I like that June, I’d lay her any time.. She’s so typical. Every way. But her friend, Julie. Late twenties dull,unenthusiastic, complacent. But I’d poink her if she showed just a little positive reaction., But she just sits there, not a spark of initiative.
           I’m young and single and figure I’ve been through it all and I could shake women like that by the throat. I’ve never be able to figure out exactly what it is they want a man. Besides tall handsome and rich. I mean, I prefer the corresponding female lot of qualities, but such women don’t have any. So you settle for what they do have. That has never yet prevented me from having a good time with an ugly one if that’s all that was handy. So let me we went to the Royal and I picked up one Denise. What a dud! “I don’t use any form of birth control ,”she says. After, I porked her all night long.

           [Author’s note 2025: I’d write today off as just young guy talk, nothing serious about the women, I was out for a good time and never lied about that to any gal. It’s more interesting the references to the malls, and New Westminster. There were places across the line in Canada, much closer than driving all the way to Seattle for fun.]

           National Geographic, before it went woke.