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Monday, November 23, 1981

November 23, 1981

           [Author’s note 2015-12-11: this entry is redacted from the original, which was written when I was too tired to make sense. However, this date in 1981 was indeed fateful. For this job, I had to cancel any youthful dreams of a good education getting me a real career. I must have been zonked to have written so little on such a pivotal day. The photo is one of the original Coca-Cola sellers in China, 1981.]

           This was a very important day. Again, too much happened for me to assimilate. But stand by for major decisions.

           I was thinking, particularly after reading yesterday’s entry, that the only real thing RofR & I’s investments have accomplished is to produce an “artificial father”. Someone (or thing) that has 5 dollars when you desperately need it & gives good advice (for fear of losing). It is a real pity it took so long.
           Stand by.

           [Author's note (2018): hello from 37 years in the future. Today is the day I began my career at the phone company. I was retired 14-1/2 years later, and remain retired to this day. The company has since changed the rules to prevent that.]

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