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Wednesday, December 23, 1981

December 23, 1981

           [Author’s note 2017: key-entered from handwritten original. This means I cannot show the flourish or emphasis when type words like “Begorrah”, which can be written so as to imply humor. Just read the post, these are all real events.
These are actual incidents during my orientation days with the outside phone workers, the linemen you see in the trucks.

           More! Begorrah. Let’s see, a 60 year old hooker whose phone was demolished offered to pay “you boys” for it. Reached in [down] her front and fumbled around asking if could “change a hundred”. Adrian, incidentally, is a war buff. Builds elaborate models. Then this old fart with his own private drug store—dozens of bottles of pills & prescriptions telling us to turn up his phone which upon examination was already as loud as it could go. Adrian has a disturbing tendency to talk “Phone Comp.” to the customers.
           Example. Mrs. Kaputnik wants to know what’s wrong with her phone. He says things like, “No ringers, you’ve got a tip ground, I’m replacing your drop and putting in a new mid-span clamp.” What? Well I’ve used a phone for years and I can’t follow that. He knows he does it, tho. We took one last one on the way back to the compound and for me, an extreme rarity. A sexy 30 yr. old. She was excellent looking. But as usual, she’s got her man, so it came to nothing. Lives in a $200,000 condo, tho. Hasn’t done, er, bad for 30.
           RofR is gone, he left the books. And his tape. We’ve made progress with the loans, but he is merely suggesting tactics I determined necessary years ago, and presenting them as original plans. He’ is putting about 1400 in cash to clear Con Vega. He wants a “reasonable” interest rate. I thing 1400 is a small price to pay for ignoring my advice, but I kept mum. All this shuffling & outlay & cutbacks & rollbacks—direct results of not following my plans—how can I be expected to sympathize.

           [Author’s note 2017: the next paragraph is where I translate what Adrian was telling the subscriber. The phone company does not call you a customer. You are a subscriber.

           Oh yes, Adrian was saying [this time] in English – Mrs. Kaputnik, your phone doesn’t ring because the wire outside is rubbing against the neighbor’s clothesline pole, so I’m going to put in a new wire further away from it. Oh, because I got switched to Adriam, I missed the smorg. Too bad.

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