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Friday, January 1, 1982

January 1, 1982

January 1, 1982

           One New Year’s Day, which was a Friday this year & what a bugger. Anyhow, I must have banked 18 or 20 hours sleep. There was nothing else to do. I will, however, discuss the weather. It is a beautiful—and for all I know—very unusual scene of the Point covered with snow. The islands are clear—they’re too far away to see any actual detail, but the snow brings out all the contrast & roadways & fields can be distinguished. Boring as describable, this is no doubt a very beautiful place in the world.
I dropped into Ben’s to get a newspaper. The girl say how are you, I says better than most. She says a better come back is “better than a blow job”. I says, “Yes, but you wouldn’t expect me to say something like that.”
For once, she caught on.
           It’s a note, that I had to drive 45 mi. for breakfast. Boy, do they shut it down here. The Bino’s at Landsdowne is the nearest sure thing around these parts. I shut it down at the Reef. (These are references to local or nearby businesses at the time. The Reef was a nearby pub in Whatcom County, Washington, that was open late.)

           [Author’s note 2017: New Years Eve or Day has never been a tradition in my life, and this predates this journal. When I grew up, it was just another day, by the time I was a teen, I had no money to party, and as an adult, I worked the overtime almost every year until I was past 30. After that, unless I had a gig, why bother?
           Now would be a good time to point out the less evident parts. In 1982, the ease of blog publication was unheard of. Even then, I’m not the first one to trust any new medium just because it is new. The relatively short development period of this blog can be seen by merely reading the early posts from the mid-2000s. It took a long time to learn and adapt to an eye-pleasing layout for this blog, such as the paragraph indentations. What’s more, all that had to be done all over again after I saw how it displayed on a friend’s smart phone.

           CSS (cascading style sheets) don’t work on blogs, at least yet. If it did, I would not like it because it does not allow for exceptions. CSS is a bad attempt at fixing an even worse language. I had to comb through the countless and mainly useless HTML commands, which like the C language, lacks formal structure or worse, the same command can exists in several forms, each one in danger of becoming deprecated. That’s the fancy word for “don’t work no more”.

           Back then, there were no such things as links and no incentive to bother with any association between pages, such as following the development of a project. Nor was there any barrier to naming names or mentioning the less than above board, I mean, who was ever going to read it? And if they did, who knew they would start using this new invention called a data base to reach into people’s pasts and start charging them with crimes 30 years later? Some of which were not even crimes at the time, or crimes which, like illegal immigration, were known to be ignored by the authorities.
           I knew who smoked what, and who shoplifted. I knew which junior high girls were hooking on the weekends, and I knew which guys stole batteries and hub-caps off parked cars. But nowadays, I shrewdly censor the material.]

           [Author’s note 2025: In the end, Canada choked Pt. Roberts to death. Using COVID as an excuse, they only allowed vaxxed people back and forth across the border crossing. This killed 85% of the businesses on the point. Some 600 Canadians had to remove their boats from the Marina, and this photo shows the last owner of the Reef finally putting it up for sale. Canada is not your friend. Still, if you meet the criteria, Pt. Roberts is an excellent refuge from Canadian regulations, with some properties still over $2 million. Just remember you have to bring everything you'll need with you.