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Sunday, January 3, 1982

January 3, 1982

           What a snowstorm. Must be a Russian strategy. Oh—last Thursday, I guess a lady got crushed between the bus and a power pole just after Bruce and I got off after work. Gad, what a way to go. The police picked up the wallet I found. One Constable Dales, to be exact. He was pleased but then tacked on a “we got moral fiber in common”. Not straight out, or even anything like it, but I picked it up—and I’m sorry. I cannot identify with a man who supports the Canadian legal system. To think I almost became one. Brrrr.
I think I’ll have a phone by the 20th of this month. I like that—when the clerk says, “Your number at work?”. I says, “114”. N’yuck.

           Incident. Yesterday at the Grove this (I can’t describe how useless) friend of Marty’s started talking about this anemic drug-using friend of his. Does mushrooms, the this is, not a very good report. I asked who. He said nobody I [would know]. You can never tell, so I asked what name. He said “John Minty.” You can never tell, huh? Well, if today he’s anything like this turkey, you’re right. Nobody I know.
           I broke 32,000 and my pocket book today on that Defender video game. That’s it, no more. But what a game it is. Also, I heard one. New to me—but Peter (Halford) told me so it’s like done the rounds. New birth control drugs: Sulpha-denial and Noacitol. Clever some.
This guy walks up to me in smits & asks me if I manage Kick-Axe. Wonder where this will lead.

           [Author’s note 2017: that’s how I wrote things back then. There is a ton of information squeezed into that page, so here’s an overview. I would have worked that day at the phone company, since Bruce would be “Bruce the Spruce Goose Rubbernecker” and I had already begun to dislike the Canadian police as would dislike any gang of thugs. I was also working in repair, since 114 was what you dialed for that.
           A few months earlier, I had attended a recruitment seminar for the police. I had considered it but the pay was lousy and I’m not a fan of shift work.
The mention of John Minty struck me, as I met a person with the same name some years earlier. It’s a small enough town that there can be no mistaking it is the same person. Years later, when certain genealogies were published on line, I saw a reference to a death in the family. Could it be the same person?
           Remember Defender? Video games were the new rage in 1982, and remember, I had come this close to buying a half share in a video parlor. I owned at coin-op laundromat in those days and had two pockets full of quarters on me at any given time. And usually another hundred or two dollars worth out in the car. It was impossible for me to walk past a pinball machine.]