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Wednesday, November 3, 1982

November 3, 1982

           Toss & turn guess who’s got the flu? My lips are cracked, my head is splitting, I’m broken up. Whoof boof, driving a bus. I experienced physical pain all over for really the first time from the flu in my life. But it passed and by late afternoon I was about, and will easily make it back to work tomorrow, no problem. Very weakend, tho, almost blacking out. Dave [Savino] drove me over to Sears—oh, we fixed my car in a few minutes. Loose fan belt. I bought the 12-string and it is a beauty. We sent to an opening of a new Kmart but I was too exhausted.
           Dave & I played guitars for a long time afterward. It is a very nice guitar—I say again the delay in my life was money, and only money. Just think, tho, my first new guitar! In my life! And I find myself the only person I know who ever did that—buy a new 12-string guitar with the intent of learning it from scratch. Time will tell.
I caught a nap early evening and had a very pleasant dream which included beautiful Sandy (Crawford). Too bad he hadn’t the brains to stick around. It will be curious to see where she goes.
           [Author’s note: I had the 12-string for quite a number of years, I learned most of what I know about country guitar on that instrument. It was probably a wiser move than trying to learn standard guitar because I never got distracted by bothering with a lot of the jazz junk they try to sell you.
           Sandy Crawford, my Farah Fawcett lookalike. She simply would not go steady and I quit seeing her over that. But stick around, she comes back into the picture years later. After it was too late. Ah, but she was a beauty. She lived one mile from my apartment, but in a different country.]