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Friday, November 5, 1982

November 5, 1982

           The traffic was clogged up so I stopped in N.W. for supper. And wound up going out twice. I went to Wang’s, a Vietnamese spot on 6th St. Good food. Then, as I got home, Bobbie and Rossie are going to White Spot. We stopped to get keys cut afterward, and saw a blood donor clinic. Also saw a piano, a Heintzman. Some lady of sorts took a gallon of green paint and made the thing match her rumpus room. Here’s where I get to say I’ve done some dumb things in my time but never anything that dumb. Famous last words. Suffice she was neither a musician or a painter.
           Afterward Rossie & I went rollerskating. And this old guy showed me how to skate backwards to the left. Great—never could before. Had to leave early, tho, because Rossie started a Judy-style episode with some jerk at my expense. It goes like this. First, the pretty girl goes to lengths to make it obvious she is not there with me. Them some punk, since gentlemen behave better, movies in and she does nothing but nothing to discourage him for a half-hour. Then, only when he suggests they go to his place & hop into bed does she inform him that I, that’s me, remember me, I wouldn’t like it. Next thing I know I’ve got some strange guy hovering over me trying t pick a fight.
           Since she only does this with rather large stupid me, I [wisely] back down and we leave. And if I say anything later why she didn’t ignore him in the first place, I’m informed that wouldn’t be “nice”. It works best when heaped upon me without any precedent so I’m confused as well. Rossie in ignorance, Judy in calculated maneuvers disguised to “test your mettle”, but the same outcome.
           I said nothing to Rossie, for I learned with Judy, no matter how often it is done, and how often it is pointed out, she refused to believe it is not a natural occurance in your life, not hers. If pretty women had any brains they’d be dangerous. Oh, and down the line, if you stick with a woman who does this, you compensate—you only take her places where she can’t pull it off. Then you’re accused of “never taking her anywhere.” Oh yea?
           [Author’s note: don’t ask me what half of this was all about. But I do tend to date very attractive women and I understand they are the targets of hustlers when we are out in public. But I expect them to clamp down on any moves so I don’t have to find myself constantly defending them. The two women referred to here are Rossie Ross and Judy Minty. These were totally different temperaments, but they are the worst I’ve ever known for entertaining passes from strangers while supposedly out with me. Judy, at least, ought to have known better, but you couldn’t go take a piss without finding her with some goof at the table when you got back.
           Both said the same thing, that it would not be “nice” to turn down the approaches of these strange men who “just wanted to be friendly”. My take is that you are supposed to be nice to the person you are out with, not every stray passing by sniffing crotches. But I learned why some men keep their women locked up at home and go out drinking by themselves. Myself, I don’t do that, but I was young and dumb and today I dump such women on the spot.
           Judy taught me a very effective technique to prevent my date from laying tracks, and I still use it to this day. You want to talk to some other guy on my time, be my guest. I go take another piss and never come back. If he’s the nice guy you say he is, he’ll get you home.]