This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
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There’s a few at work rubbing their hands already. The holiday means they’ll get their checks earlier. I had the 10 to 6 shift so I took it easy. Randy wanted it, but I like it also, you get to sleep in. This poor, poor Randy, he jumps to conclusions faster than me. It’s basically a defense mechanism because he's not good with the ladies. He’s after any gal he can get, including in the office. I don’t date secretaries.
Whenever its mentioned that his suggestions concerning the office girls are unfounded on my behalf, no, I don’t lust over them. (He insinuates we are the same and I don't like it) He thinks I’m lying, especially if I say they are too old for me. For crying out loud, most of them are housewives. Well, he goes right for the extreme. Ttherefore I must like 12-yearsolds. Like Dave Pack, he’s an asshole about tha. He seems to forget there are millions and millions of girls 17, 18 and 19 years old. Like my brothers, these guys never got any In high school and they hate the world for it.
I should have taken the junior guitar class. I walked past it and it’s full of pretty girls. The two women in my class are not pretty. I don’t learn anything there so why do I go ? For the exposure I guess.
After that I was practicing with Dave wheb the phone rings. You’ll never guess, Sonya. Little Sonya. She was calling from a friend’s place and the three of us were beginning together this weekend. I hope, I hope. We are drifting apart. Dave also thinks she’s an innocent babe. She does have that kind of voice on the phone.
[Author’s note 2025: Yeah this is one of those dicey entries I had to look at twice. I must emphasize that I have done nothing illegal but it was when I began working at this company that I first noticed it was men, not women, who paid too much attention if you had a younger girlfriend. This theme gets revisited frequently, because I was stuck working with these guys for sthe next like 6 years.
This was also my first year working for corporate America. Yep, I had a cubicle but the company was not yet computerized. It was where I learned how even people in this high-paid environment often lived paycheck to paycheck. Many years later I was to become the one who they approached to calculate how much further they could plunge themselves after each pay raise.
Sonya was quite a big younger than me and on top of that she looked young for her age because she was also small. For guys who never got something like that in their prime, of course she must have looked five years younger than she was. They suffer from the Sears Catalog Syndrome. Sears catalog syndrome. That’s where every girl under 22 to them looks like she looks like she’s 12
Boom box, 1982 version.