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Thursday, July 16, 1992

July 16, 1992

Since I did not keep a blog while I was married, here is the transcript of a letter from today's date:

           Well pooh on you, your missing the Front line picnic this coming Sunday, and I know Booring was so in hopes of seeing you there.
           Why the Sports Star card? Well there's a bar tender -- Mary A. who wants you to drop here a line! there in care of her. I think she wants a place to vacation in Washington.
           Front line now has a permanent place to pass out goodies to the less fortunate - It's a church parking lot - the whole gang loves to dine out.
           Booring graduated from U.C.L.A. with a degree in ditchology, and got a special humaniarian award for her perticipation in Front Line.
           I'm contaplating a side line in multi marketing, it's sort of like Amway, but I'm getting in on the ground floor. I may make son $ on the side.
           I have Bonnie & Clyde doing my other bath room - its on hold now cause the plumbing -

And at this point the following page(s) seem to be missing. Here is some data that fills in the blanks.

Frontline or Front Line: an organization set up by an actor who had an early heart attack. We passed out food to the homeless on Sunday mornings in downtown Los Angeles. I was in charge of crowd control.

Booring: a pushy tough broad who knew the actor but did not like me at all, probably because she knew I did not find her attractive and treated her like one of the boys. Which is odd, because she wanted all men to treat her that way--so she said. She just didn't like it when they actually did.

Sports Star: it was the nearest bar to where I lived in Tarzana. I doubt it is still there. The waitresses were the weirdest weirdos they could hire, but, that's California.

Bonny & Clyde: a couple hired to paint the condo I was renting a room in. They had just got out of jail, hence the nicknames.

Other: the letter was from David J., a fellow I met at Frontline who was there doing community service hours for a DUI. That's who introduced me to the Sports Star. He actually chased those waitresses. He quit Frontline the instant he had his hours in. Also, a small earthquake wrecked the plumbing in his condo just months after he'd made the last payment. That's why he hired Bonny & Clyde. David was a radiologist tech at the Janss Medical Center, where he specialized in "soft body parts". Two months after I left to go back to Seattle, he married a 38 year old Jewess and was never heard from again.

This picture is irrelevant.