Relatively speaking, I broke the sound barrier with the Hippie—a $50 gig. Ugly Tuna. Actually, I thought he pawned me off a twenty (dollar bill) until I stopped for gas. I don’t carry $50 around.
Oh, the women in that place. We even have a mini-following.
[Author’s note 2016-02-15: The “sound barrier” is a trope for making good money with a band that is normally not known for sharing or paying well. And I said relatively, because normally he pays peanuts.
I was still new at the Miami music game and was unaware this would be the final time that [paying decently] happened with the Hippie. I did not know part of his game plan was to get a gig with a band for band wages, then try to take the gig over as a single. That guy, if he could only learn to leave well enough alone, might have amounted to something.]
[Author’s note 2017: I spoke too soon. Not only was that the only time I ever made any money ($45) playing with that duo, we never got back there again. Basically, the management told the Hippie they wanted more "island" music, but that is the type of comment that sails through one of the Hippie's ears and out the other. The women who said they'd follow us, well, since we never played there again, we never saw them again.]
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