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Saturday, March 17, 2001

March 17, 2001

           Study, then off to the Dade County Youth Fair with JZ. He’s like a kid. A kid who’s flunked out of med school in Puerto Rico, Miami, Philadelphia, and two other states.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-17: don’t worry about secrets, JZ really did have a fling at medical school and openly tells anybody who’ll listen. So now that is a tale from the trailer court. In any case, the volume of material in this blog makes absolute confidence unobtainable.
           Here is a photo of the Fair. A lot of JZ’s nieces and nephews have exhibits entered. It’s worth it to see the student projects. They are on a scale I could not have imagined at the same age. The animal exhibits are worth a stroll, especially once you figure out the “scientific” food they say you have to buy by the slice to feed the critters is nothing more than raw carrot.]

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