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Sunday, March 4, 2001

March 4, 2001

           Okay, ask me anything about a standby charge. Bit of an earthquake out west—watch it’s the harbinger of a big one. Study is not as regimented as I like it, just not covering the ground fast enough. I talked to Alfredo, who is quite ill. I’d like him there this Friday.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-16: Hang on, I’ll give you enough info that this post will make at least some sense. The standby charge was a particularly difficult concept at the company that nobody could calculate right. And predicting “The Big One” was a popular sport back in those days. It was a takeoff on the Archie Bunker joke that God put all the bad people in California.
           And say, it has been kind of quiet out there lately.
           I was studying something, but don’t recall what. People who recall everything they study probably don’t study very much. The Hunt brother’s defense. And Alfredo was the harmonica player who spoke no English. So I had to translate what song we would do next on stage.
           “Los Zapatos Cuero del Azules”. There is no simple Spanish word for “suede”.

           As for the picture, people kept telling me the early versions of my blog needed more links.]

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