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Tuesday, December 10, 2002

December 10, 2002

           Hmmm, it sure is quiet here around the house. I love it. Seriously, I’m little concerned about Jamie and I’ve been feeding her cat. (She misses a day or two here and then.) I'm very cautious with pets since Memphis; I tend to spoil cats to the point where they balk at canned pet food.
           Stopping at IHOP, I did a serious reassessment of Project 21. The book show $1800, but that's what's tax deductible, the fact is closer to $4000 all told. I told Frank much the same so he can ponder it. I also plan to inform him soon that picking him up and getting more here to work rarely takes less than an hour, rather than the necessary 15 minutes. Further, while Project 21 is convinced them he is not so good at new construction, he is thinking wrongly. If he's not good at one, he must therefore be good at another, rather than concentrating on improvement in division areas.

           [Author's note: I must have been in a lovely mood that day. Frank had guaranteed to be partners with me on Project 21. As time went by, it turns out he can rarely do something without my tools, cash or assistance. That was never part of the deal. Furthermore, when he finds something he can't do, he leaves it undone and goes on to something else. He just assumes since he can't do a good job on something that needs doing, he has a right to leave it and move on to something that he is good at, which is rarely what we need. That's a formula for failure.
           Memphis, oh my Memphis. You can tell a lot about a man by his pet. A big hairy bulldog that licks his master's face twice a day, and his own balls about 30 times is the sign of a timid and insecure man. My pet was the most beautiful budgie, blue with a necklace of spots. They say it is impossible, but too many have seen Memphis defeat the lock on his cage. Memphis definitely recognized different music that I played on the piano and he sang along.
           I have tapes, which I discovered in 1986 I could bounce (record multiple tracks) twice and send him into a budgie paradise. Whenever I was overseas, he would spend Christmas with Marion. She would always find him for bedtime by the tinkling of the bells in her tree. Memphis passed away in 1994, trying to migrate against the bars of his cage, which I had lined with leaves to comfort him. Memphis was never buried in the ground.]

           [Author's note 2021: according to most of the large media outlets, December 10th is one of the least newsworthy days throughout journalistic history. So bad is this day that not even any important died today. The most notable event of today in 2002 is ABC announced a record $130 billion (with a b) in Superbowl revenue. ABC is owned by Disney.]