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Thursday, December 26, 2002

December 26, 2002

           Apparently nothing happened today, there's no entry. There's a note here that I will spend my birthday's in America, so in my impeccable timing, I [once] flew to Barbados [in 1983]. At the same time as they invaded Granada. They have a very advanced and impressive customs system. They ask you if you have anything to declare and then divide you into two groups.
           I was in the group and said no I had nothing. They point to the door, look straight at you, and say "You through that door now." You go through and find yourself standing at the bus stop. I hope one day the whole world becomes so sophisticated.

           I do take back some of what I said concerning the Enigma machine. The article I was reading referred to an earlier commercial model without a pegboard. Years later I grasp that I was reading the description wrong. Even then, I understand how it scrambles. I don't understand how it gets the original message back.