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Wednesday, December 4, 2002

December 4, 2002

           Miami 5:30 a.m.. I'm still reading “Perspectives”, always something new when re-read. I see some of my sayings have become stock at the workplace. Myself, I rarely been more broke than these days. Any businessperson will tell you a new project always comes down to the last dollar in the last minute. There have been no negative reactions in the last set of promo photos that only show a quarter of the finished product.
           Daily gripe: Entrepreneur magazines. Even if they didn't blog franchises, time-sharing, and sexism, they tend to bury facts. I stop buying [such magazines] over this theme, and I remember the exact article. It was about some couple who started a dude ranch in Colorado, and made a million. But all you read about was their hardships until way at the last paragraph it barely mentions they inherited the land, buildings, riparian and mineral rights plus $100,000 in cash.

           We don't need this. What about the rest of us who did not inherit a jackpot? I want to read how the guy did it who started from nothing. It is impossible for me to identify with the hardships of anyone who did nothing until they inherited a bundle. The magazines were also getting a little too cute for me. By this I mean, do I really need to know that Sally, besides her business, is “a full-time wife and mother of three children, etc.”
           JZ was in today, so we went to the Church (Churchill’s) for a couple. I didn't know he was already a few sheets to the wind, when he arrived. For some reason, the place was half full of hookers, so of course he went around determining the prices. Not me, for all hookers appear to be much alike. I think.

           [Author's Note: I have certain database quips people like to repeat. My favorites include, “At least all my mistakes are in one place.” and “If you can’t be professional, at least be consistent.”
           Be careful when I use the word broke. I mean that I have less cash on hand than usual. I draw a distinction between being broke and being poor. Even the wealthy are broke once in a while.]