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Wednesday, January 1, 2003

January 1, 2003

           It couldn't have been a more boring New Year's. I took a chance the roomie, Jamie, would find something else to do except get in the way. No such luck. It's those display cases again, can't get nothing done when she's around. Now she couldn't be away yesterday or tomorrow when I'm at work and she isn't. She chose precisely that time to file some boxes exactly where we would have to move the display cases.
           I didn't pursue it. I'm just pointing out the validity of my theory of how dumb people will subconsciously develop ways to screw you around if you let them know what you're doing. I found something else to do. Some people might ask where their dozen reasons why it can wait around for an hour to to complete a year-long project? No, or were as nobody's actually said, "No way are you going to get anything done if I can help it.", the net effect is identical.
           Frank, who is supposed to be my partner, is avoiding the topic of buying a truck. The truck would solve incredible problems but I get the feeling he's waiting for me to buy one. If I do, he better not have plans of driving it during the week. I would do that if only to take pressure off the caddie. This is not cruel. If you subtract what I have to spend to operate a vehicle our incomes are about identical, yet I manage to save something every week.

           [Author's note 2023: As I try to salvage some of the pictures that got wet, I'm finding less than one photo in ten has anything left. That's where I found this picture of good old Frank and one of the barmaids from Churchill's. I thought it was neat the way the water damage surrounds the figures in orange and red, like flames. I don't recall this photo but this was the week we reached the half-way mark. Toothpick number 500,000. I see there is a hand on her shoulder, so I take it she was there with her boyfriend or something. Neat photo.]