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Saturday, January 4, 2003

January 4, 2003

           The blonde lady at IHOP is looking for Rummy. I said no. Here's my reasoning: she's 46 and single and searches the Internet looking for a boyfriend. She complains that she's been repeatedly burned but obviously hasn't learned anything. She advertises that she's not into marriage, so what message are the men getting? To me, it also means the historical stability which happens when I get involved means the specter of finding a strange man in the house, quite suddenly.
           I wonder what sort of people put ads out for a date? The motives I understand, yet the content of the ads is just too narrow for me. She presses the further point that she doesn't "go out" to meet men. A closer look uncovers that "out" to her means a bar or nightclub. Sad.

           She has too often spoken about half "guy from California who really wants to fly out to visit". Anybody who lives with me would rapidly find all kinds of opportunity to actually allow such a thing to happen.

           [Author's note: I realize that doesn't make sense, but that's what I wrote. I think what I meant was that I was not about to risk placing my personal belongings in a situation where I was depending on somebody like that to pay half my bills. One of my rules for a roomie is no company on weekends. Go visit them at their place, only bring them here on weekdays.
           No matter how wonderful they may think that person is, weekends at a time when we are most likely to both be at home. This is not unreasonable, since I am also entitled to quiet enjoyment. Plus during the week I make certain my overnight company is out the door by the time I leave for work. I've rarely had this courtesy returned.

           Having said that, of course I would change my mind if her overnight company was her 26-year-old kid sister and a real hottie. Christ, I miss the 70s.]