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Sunday, January 5, 2003

January 5, 2003

           Sunday. 9:30 a.m. I did not go get Frank today. Like it or not, going and getting them to work takes an hour and it just wasn't worth it today. Plus, the agreement was last January he save $15 a month toward a pickup truck. Last month I said I had my $300, give me his and I'll go get a truck.
           Turns out he not only did not save the money, but appears to a forgotten all about telling me for a year. The truck is important. Access to one is necessary in Miami. Like Los Angeles, this is a town designed for the motorist. Good luck getting anything done otherwise. Miami is a used vehicle paired ice, but only if you know what to look for and who to talk to. Through Manuel I can get an excellent set of wheels for that price. By the same logic contained in this page you could also rightfully conclude that lots of people in Miami never get anything done.

           [Author's note: I didn't know it at the time but Frank's habit of forgetting things was eventually to break up our business partnership. I was doing 95% of the work and putting up 100% of the money and giving him 50% of the profit. From Frank's point of view he forgot to tell me once that he didn't have the money. From my point of view he forgot to tell me 12 times.